
Showing posts from May, 2021

9th May 2021 - Session 12 - More Lore in Triboar - Eoin

The party waits patiently as they are being shipped along to Triboar on a floating cloud by an ambivalent cloud giant, Zephyros. A silver dragon lands ominously outside the door and drops off 6 fairly angry dwarves. They demand to speak to the wizard who lives here. Dipple tries to calm them down and says the party is also travelling with the wizard. Dania, the dwarf leader, is here representing Queen Dagnabbet of Mithral Hall. The dragon, Clarion, is in the queen's debt and has agreed to transport the dwarves to this floating cloud. They are here to kill Zephyros. Zephyros floats down from above and approaches the groups. He says he is here to protect the little folk and wants calm in the sword coast. Grapuel and Dipple expertly persuade the dwarves that Zephyros has not attacked their city as we have been travelling with Zephyros for the past few days. Zephyros agrees to meet with the dwarven queen to discuss the growing conflicts in the lands and so must drop the party off where

2nd May 2021 - Session 11 - The Tower of Zephyros - Ciara

Bright and early, the day after the party, Kella knocks on the cottage the adventurers are staying in.  She is looking for the horses loaned out to them to save the villagers.  After some "helpful" suggestions on how to do introductions from Dunbarr, Kella decides to ignore him and gather the horses herself.  She wanders out to the field next to the cottage.  As she starts to gather up the animals, Dunbarr starts negotiating with (and secretly distracting) Kella by offering up all the shiny things he can think of.  This gives the wily Graupel time to sneak her disguised horse out of Kella's grasp.  Dunbarr starts to get excited that he might finally offload his matching salt and pepper shaker but it all amounts to nothing but talk.  Morak arrives in the town square with a bundle and Bearnabus takes the opportunity to hit him up for some requests.  He jumps at the opportunity to help the people who saved his life and his village.  In the end, he provides Bearnabus with: 2

25th April 2021 - Session 10 - The End of the Goblin Infested Caves - Sally

  Graupel takes a nap on the trees outside after her mushroom experience. Prittstick stays outside with her to keep an eye on her. The adventurers bring the group of villagers out of the cave. They find out there are a few villagers still in the cave – rats took Lady Nandor’s lady in waiting & shopkeeper. Kin tells Morak that Lady Nandor is dead and updates him on the current state of the village. The villagers head back to the village. Kin stealthily looks around the caves for others and finds some giant looking rats. The group realises as they watch the villagers walk back over the horizon that we probably should have asked them stuff. Anyway – back to the rats for the adventurers! Dipple casts sleep around the corner on the rats causing a previously unseen goblin to exclaim. We all roll 11 initiative. A goblin climbs out over the rats to attack Dipple, they miss, having tripped on the rats. Bearnabus heals herself, heals Dipple twice, and then becomes a bear again. Kin sneak