9th May 2021 - Session 12 - More Lore in Triboar - Eoin

The party waits patiently as they are being shipped along to Triboar on a floating cloud by an ambivalent cloud giant, Zephyros. A silver dragon lands ominously outside the door and drops off 6 fairly angry dwarves. They demand to speak to the wizard who lives here. Dipple tries to calm them down and says the party is also travelling with the wizard.

Dania, the dwarf leader, is here representing Queen Dagnabbet of Mithral Hall. The dragon, Clarion, is in the queen's debt and has agreed to transport the dwarves to this floating cloud. They are here to kill Zephyros. Zephyros floats down from above and approaches the groups. He says he is here to protect the little folk and wants calm in the sword coast. Grapuel and Dipple expertly persuade the dwarves that Zephyros has not attacked their city as we have been travelling with Zephyros for the past few days. Zephyros agrees to meet with the dwarven queen to discuss the growing conflicts in the lands and so must drop the party off where they are to continue their adventure on foot.

Zephyros gives the party a magical shield to aid them in their adventure and tells them a story. "Thousands of years ago there was a war between dragons and giants. The giants stopped the dragons summoning their queen at the cost of thousands of dead giants. It was then that the small folk arrived. The small folk got much enjoyment from the lands."

The party arrive in Westbridge. A small community based around a shrine to Mielikki with some woodcutting and trading. Dunbarr and Graupel manage to convince the local traders to gain 4 horses for a silver unicorn head, the holy symbol of Mielikki, and the magical shield.

Power Rangers montage of all the members introducing their new horses. Kin's horse is Dash. Dipple's horse is Gloo. Dunbarr's horse is Biscuit. Bearnabus's horse is Tipex. Graupel's horse is Biro.

The journey to Triboar took 2 days but was gladly uneventful. Arriving in Triboar, Dunbarr brings the group to the local stables. We meet Darathra, the lord protector of the town, outside the keep tower in the centre of the town. She is happy to see Dunbarr and wants to properly catch up at dinner tonight. She tells him of how the town recovered after the festival a year ago but recently there has been a rash of orc attacks in neighbouring lands. We say that we have come from Nightstone where orcs and elves have been fighting which might be causing a migration.

The party then heads into the Northshield house inn and is met with an old woman, Urgala, behind a counter and 3 large mastiffs. The middle one, Fluffy, is the cutest. We promised to join her for breakfast and regale her with our adventures. Urgala tells us where Darthag's wife Alestra is and the party heads out to break the bad news to her.

Alestra owns a general store called the Lionshare. Their emblem is a Lion shield. Alestra is happy to see Dunbarr and make up for lost time. Dunbarr breaks the bad news and tries to console her. She heads away to deal with her grief. In the background, a helper is awkwardly brushing the floor trying not to make eye contact after hearing the bad news.

Dunbarr tells the party of the history of Triboar. It got its name from a traveller's tale of slaying three boars here on the same day over 400 winters ago. This town is prized for their horses and people come from all over come to trade in horses.

The party arrives at Darathra's tower. At the entrance, it has a very impressive large banner with 3 black boars on it. The whole tower is outfitted in military garb. The party sits down for dinner and converse. Darathra has contacted Waterdeep to gain assistance but it will be a few days before any help arrives. She asks for the party to find ways of defending the town from orcs until then. She asks if Bearnabus convince the nobleman in Everwyvern house to use his wealth to hire some mercenaries to defend the town.

Kin speaks of his homeland. 150 years ago Kin left his sandy homeland to find something greater and hopes it still remains but it has been so long without hearing any news that anything could have happened to it.
Dipple was born under dragon fire. With his mixed heritage, he found he had a natural ability with magic.

Dunbarr used to be a farmer in Triboar. Every year they would have a wizarding festival where many wizards from across the lands would come and show off tricks and amaze the crowds. Last year the wizarding event turned fatal. It was all caused by Kastan Sadaar. The wizards turned on each other and alliances were broken as they tried to destroy each other. Dunbarr's family was killed in the chaos. Dunbarr sold what was left of his farm and began a life of adventuring to find balance in a chaotic world filled with magic.
Darathra tells Dunbarr that Kastan now owns his old farm and has been helping the town recover. She says he has been very helpful since that day. Dunbarr stands on top of his chair shaking his fist in the air yelling "KASTAAAAAN!!!".


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