19th December 2021 - Session 32 - Silverymoon - Brian

Bearnabus investigates the mysterious ring and discovers it contains good magic but just can't figure out what exactly. The ring is put on and able to be taken off to which Dipple calls absolute bullshit. Bearnabus does however realise that the ring needs to be attuned to the wearer.

The party grabs some breakfast in the inn, collects their horses, and head towards Silverymoon. When they get there, they are struck by how beautiful the city is, peaceful, ornate and protected by a shimmerìng spell of some kind.

Dipple sends a giant rat and a panther through the barrier to test it and nothing happens apart from startling some guards with the sudden appearance of a panther. Kin talks to the guards and finds out the shimmer is a spell of dispelling magic. no magic is permitted within the walls unless it's approved. The guards say we can use magic if we kill all the mages in the town but the party decide that that seems excessive.

Bearnabus and Kin try to convince the guards to let the party into the town. The guards aren't familiar with anyone called Othovir but strangely they do know of a guy who went to Tribor many years ago and can describe his family and all the history. Dipple quietly wonders if these guards are idiots or maybe just interactive information points but ultimately suspects not a lot of people get out of here. 

The armour-clad information points do tell us that there are many schools and libraries in the town. There was also recent trouble with cloud giants trying to attack the town to steal something but they don't know what they were after. The magical barrier seemed to have done the job of keeping the attackers out.

Dipple and dunbarr take all the team's new artefacts to the university to get them checked out by one of the mages there. Lady Alustriel is recommended to our handsome duo and directed to a building in which she can normally be found. Her full title is the high Lady of Alustriel Silverhand.

Two kids covered in soot point them in the direction of the lady's office after stuff exploded in the building leaving purple sticky stuff and soot everywhere.

Dipple convinces the lady to help identify the artefacts and give us a bit more information on the town. The shimmering shield of dispelling magic is called Mythal and is responsible for holding back most of the attacks on the city. Lady Silverhand confirms Dipple's suspicions that the mages are the ones responsible for protecting the town and the guards have more of a symbolic role.

Dipple's pendant has a rune of the moon and a healing ability but she cannot offer any more information and don't know why it cannot be removed outside the magic shield. 

Graupels bracers are dancing wrist guards. Hardened leather with a +2AC. She said Graupel would know what that means.

Dunbarr's boots need to recharge apparently but he forgot to ask for an adaptor. He did notice them getting less effective on the walk here.

Bearnabus' ring is a ring of expertise. It's forged by Archmage Krowen Valharrow. Also called a ring of princesses. For more information, Bearnabus is recommended to consult the Archmage of Google.

Kin kept his arrows with him so he doesn't know exactly what their function is yet.

DM got sassy about the notetaking at this point for no reason at all.

When asked about the motive for the cloud giant attack on the city, the Lady tells the pair that the town has an artefact from the time of Voindod. They have a staff that is a symbol of the wyrm throne. Basically a status symbol for the boss of all giants. She believes that the giants may have wanted it to stake a claim on being the leader of the giants who are in disarray at the moment. She also suspects the cloud giants were looking for information but about what she cannot know as their attack was unsuccessful.

It also seems from her sources that only the fire giants are interested in the Voindod and piecing it together to be the most powerful race.

Lady Silverhand says to return if we need any more information on any artefacts

Bearnabus, Graupel, and Kin head towards the manor but find themselves a lot further down the road than they expected and still hadn't found it yet. Thanks to another helpful signpost dressed in a guard's uniform, they located it down the road further and outside the shimmer. It seems the manor was used to run a taxi service after the gates closed when it was operational. The road beyond the manor up to the mountain pass, is full of orge corpses. This concerns almost nobody.

When the team arrives, Kin wanders straight into the manor. He notices a lot of old hoof and footprints but nothing from within the last week. Kin picks the lock on the tower but it looks largely looted and there's not a lot to be found. Suddenly, neighs!!!!! (not Kin, but just abruptly there are neighs heard)

Graupel and Bearnabus head towards the stable where the horse noises are coming from. Graupel stealthly enters the building but still manages to trip an alarm inside. There are two men in the stables claiming to work for the family but who don't seem to know the family all that well at all.

They threaten Graupel to try to make her leave but despite having it thrown back at them, they aren't easily intimidated. Graupel dispenses with the niceties, rages and attacks but it seems the men are very well armoured. Graupel lands a devastating hit on the guard but it doesn't do near as much damage as expected.

Bearnabus turns into a bear and moves in for an attack on the duo.

Meanwhile, crowd favourites, Dipple and Dunbarr are just getting to the gate while the attack is starting

Back in the barn, the first guard attacks Bearnabus and Graupel. the second casts fire at the two of them. When he attacks, the illusion of a guard drops and he looks like a demon of some kind. The pair recognise it as a cambion. With the attacks back and forth both cambions have dropped their disguises.

Dipple and Dunbar see a cloaked figure walking towards the house and apparently think very little of the mysterious figure walking along the road. In an effort to attract their attention, Kin fires a whistling arrow towards the town. but sadly both Dipple and Dunbarr are walking with their fingers plugged firmly in their ears and don't notice it.

Graupel continues the onslaught on the cambion and Bearnabus does some extra bear damage. Kin wonders to himself which was more stupid, his purchase of the whistle arrows or Dipple and Dunbarr?


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