21st November 2021 - Session 30 - Arriving at Everlund - Eoin

Dramatically arriving just in time, Graupel rushes into battle against the hill giant. The giant, in fear of Dipple, is running from the tower down the hill towards the forest as it takes a big hit from Dipple's chromatic orb and fire bolt. Bearnabus heals Dipple and turns into a bear. As the hill giant approaches the forest, one of kin’s arrows arcs into the air and pierces into her neck. Graupel, Dunbarr and Bearnabus head into the tower to loot. The hill giant regains its senses and decides to gtfo and keeps running into the forest.

The team sees the hill giant's bag atop a ledge. Graupel adeptly creates a climbing rope up to the ledge and hoists herself up but just as she reaches for the bag, Bearnabus sends Pritstick up to grab the bag and bring it to her. Inside the bag is a necklace full of all sorts of bones including human.

We make our way to Everlund and meet with the guards at the entrance. They tell us where Dral Thelev, the one eyed half orc is. After noticing the regal Bearnabus Moonstar they also mention Bolder Stoneshield, a dwarf, who has a message for Bearnabus. Harshnag, the frost giant, is hard to find but could show up when needed. Dipple throws the guard a gold piece to the shock of Dunbarr. The group wonders what the hubble and bubble is with this town and heads towards the marketplace. The town is well maintained with ornately carved wood and beautiful bridges. Well dressed nobles walk along the streets. The busy marketplace seems to have everything.

Bearnabus knows this town was part of the Lord's Alliance. A manipulative group from Waterdeep. However, that changed after the war in the Silver Marshes to the north east where the Lord's Alliance didn’t support Sundabarr but Everlund did.  In a show of support for Sundabarr, Everlund left the Lord's Alliance.  Harpers are the only support this town has and are very influential here.

Graupel heads to a fishmonger who is very impressed by the tresym, Pristick. The fishmonger recommends trout. Grapuel looks at Pristick wondering what she is thinking. “no trout, it gives me a haddock. Get trouta town”. Graupel gets the trout anyway and Pristick happily feasts away on it.

Kin heads to an armourer who carves ornate golden weaponry and asks the armourer to commission a special arrow he had long considered. A whistling arrow which creates a deep noise that can alert nearby allies of danger. Kin also picks up 60 poison arrows to add some damage to his attacks.

Dunbarr heads to a magical tailor. He investigates the halfling robes and finds the symbol of the House of Dardragon. He tries to get boots of speedy speedy fast walking but sadly the archmage would be needed.

Bearnabus and Dunbarr pick up a few potions of healing nearby. The potion dealer also says there’s an inn nearby run by the Zoar family, Danavir house. Dipple begins to haggle with the potion master to get a good deal and threatens to cast fireball. The guards are called and Dipple casts charm person. The guards get very annoyed that Dipple is casting spells and tell him he’ll be thrown in the dungeon if he keeps this up. Dipple does not take this well and begins burning pieces of paper in anger.


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