
Showing posts from February, 2023

6th February 2023 - Session 58 - Hot on the trail of King Heckaton - Ciara

The party work hard to try and convince Saoirse that Imrith's behaviour has been suspicious and she should not be trusted but Saoirse stays loyal to Imirth.  She has been like a mother to her.  Uther is led by Saoirse.  Bearnabus tries to dispel magic from Imrith.  There is clearly a great deal of magic surrounding her but the spell fails.   Saoirse is very happy the adventurers have agreed to help find her father.  She provides them with 2 letters and the golden goose token.  One that states the mission they are on to investigate the disappearance of the King for the acting Queen.  The other absolving them of any retaliation by the cloud Countess.   They are escorted back to the summoning circle where a cloud giant teleports them to Yartar.  The party sleep in the Poison Dagger to recover before the investigation.  The party get clothes suitable for sneaking on to the Grand Dame and Sharpie gets a new axe handle.  The party infiltrate the Grand Dame using their sneaking cunning. 

31st January 2023 - Session 57 - Meeting Saoirse - Eoin

The party begins the day ready for adventure. They decide to activate the conch and see where it leads. It feels like they lose conchessness as they are teleported to king hackathons palace deep underwater near the Monshae Isles. They find themselves in what appears to be an entrance cave with several doors leading off it. Bearnabus casts underwater breathing on the party and readies her water-based magic. Dunbarr and Graupel tie each other together with a rope.  Dunbarr heads down into a water entrance and travels out to the sand. From here he can see an underwater gladiator pit filled with smashed ships and a big plug hole.  Along the walls leading out are entrances blocked by metal gates. Dipple heads backwards out of what looks like the tunnel for medium-sized folk. Outside he gets a face full of hot steam as a geyser erupts. Dipple decides to head back to the party. Kin stealths into a door on the left and the party follows. They find a hallway with a stone statue at the end. To t