
Showing posts from May, 2023

1st May 2023 - Session 64 - Is there room in the Doom of the Desert? - Eoin

The party takes the 5:15 whale towards the coast with a connecting roc to reach their destination, the home of the Doom of the Desert. The giants travelling with us agree to leave a few of the trained rocs behind in case we need them for a getaway. As the party enters the amphitheatre, they see a ruined church. Dunbarr, Dipple and Bearnabus enter and the ground gives way, making them fall down into a sandy sinkhole. Graupel heads around to find a safe route down. Kin explores the amphitheatre and sees statues beginning to animate and come alive. Everyone heads down into the sinkhole to get away. In the depths, Dipple finds a cavern full of dangerous worms but Kin and Dunbarr make quick work of them. Further in, Bearnabus sees a glyph that could trap the party and disables its magic. Dipple creates an illusion as if the tunnel has collapsed preventing the animated statues from chasing them. The next room is filled with massive amounts of gold. Dunbarr leaps in taking anything shiny he c

23rd April 2023 - Session 63 - Where is Imryth? - Eoin

Heckaton and the party arrive back at the throne room to find the place in chaos. The throne room is a makeshift hospital where Giants are being treated for injuries. It looks like Imryth has wrecked the place and taken a magical ring which makes her immune to psychic damage. The party sets up shop near the scrying pool. Bearnabus uses the jar of dragon blood and sees Imryth near an ancient ruined amphitheatre in a desert with snowy mountains in the distance. We are told this must be the home of the Doom of the Desert. In the middle of the ruined amphitheatre is a hole. Could be where the Kraken lives. Statues are scattered throughout. Harshnag is alive and tied up somewhere nearby a snakehead statue. The octopus from the Grand Dame is living its best life on the sea bed. Heckaton offers us 10,000 GP to kill Imryth. Klauth gives Dipple a claw of Wyrm rune. Kin gains a potion of giant size. Dipple also gets that potion, he gives it to Dunbarr who then smashes it on the ground. Dunbarr a