
Showing posts from February, 2022

30th January 2022 - Session 36 - The Mountain Begins - Eoin

The group begins heading up the mountain. Clear skies and sunny weather all around. The path is well worn with both giant and human footsteps. Ancient runes and shrines are scattered across the landscape. After a while, the weather begins to get worse and the party rests. Harshnag goes off on a hunt. Kin notices Harshnag hasn't returned and sends a whistling arrow into the air to wake everyone. Pritstick comes back and points the group towards an abandoned village. Once the party arrives at the village they notice it's not Harshnag. A fight breaks out with this new stone giant and several of his winter wolf buddies who breathe ice. Bearnabus turns into a terrified elk and Dipple a giant ape and together they fight the giant. Kin, Graupel and Dunbarr smash the wolves. Once the fight is over they find a stone giant sigil and Harshnag comes back covered in blood.

14th January 2022 - Session 35 - Preparing for the Valley of Khedrun - Ciara

During the night Harshnag paces through the keep unable to sleep.   Dipple and Kin both hear him, and Dipple goes to speak with him.   Harshnag laments the things he has had to do to his people to protect the world from their actions.   He loves his people and doesn’t know how it has all ended up like this.   He is also worried he won’t know what to ask the oracle when the time comes.   Kin joins the conversation, he and Harshnag reminisce on years of travelling alone through lands that are not their homeland. Kin has been travelling 150 years and now nowhere seems like home to him.  Harshnag eventually heads to bed but is gone in the morning when the party awakens.  They are told he has headed out before them to scout the area.  They meet him as they are leaving the keep. He has checked the lands to the north of Zymorven Hall which are separated from their destination by a large forest.  He says it looks possible to traverse but could be dangerous and may end up taking longer than

8th January 2022 - Session 34 - Meeting Harshnag for the First Time - Sally

The group is on the road between Silvery Moon and Zymomen Hall on their way to meet Harshnag. Graupel and Dipple aren’t with the group.  Group rolls perception. Kin & Bearnabus spot a giant’s castle floating in the distance. Dunbarr blows into his horn to attract the castle’s attention, giving a solidly beautiful performance that travels with ease across the marsh and fills the valley.  The group continues stealthily up the road. The cloud starts and stops moving every 20 minutes or so, and hasn’t followed the horn. It seems they are looking for something in the marsh.  Along the road, we see the ruins of a small cottage that seems like it was a functional building, not a home. Two big double doors, closed. High roofed. As we pass it, we see the back of a 20ft tall man around the back of it. We want to check if he’s Harshnag. He has the exact same symbol as Zephyros (Cloud Giant in Castle) on his cloak.  [The symbol on the fire giants armour meant fire. This symbol on this giant’s

28th December 2021 - Session 33 - Defeating the Cambions - Matt

Dunbarr and Dipple spot a sparrow flying above the man who is 15ft ahead of them. The Cambion inside shoots fire at Bearnabus doing 11 damage. He shoots again doing 8 fire damage. Unfortunately for Bearnabus they take too much damage and revert back to normal form from being a bear.  The other cambion attacks Graupel twice doing 14 damage which was thankfully halved due to her raging out. Dipple calls out to the man in front of him. The man says he has been entrusted to protect the house from malicious intent. He says that Othovir is no longer a part of the family. Zamlin is his name. He says no one is welcome to wait around the place. Dunbarr reveals that there are others meeting up at the place. Zamlin is suspicious of Dunbarr and Dipple.  How dare you!? (When Dipple says he's going to continue on) Dunbarr decides to keep walking past the man. Kin misses his shot against a cambion. Graupel goes to hammer the cambion. She smashes down with her hammer doing 19 damage. He looks crus