28th December 2021 - Session 33 - Defeating the Cambions - Matt

Dunbarr and Dipple spot a sparrow flying above the man who is 15ft ahead of them.

The Cambion inside shoots fire at Bearnabus doing 11 damage. He shoots again doing 8 fire damage.

Unfortunately for Bearnabus they take too much damage and revert back to normal form from being a bear. 

The other cambion attacks Graupel twice doing 14 damage which was thankfully halved due to her raging out.

Dipple calls out to the man in front of him. The man says he has been entrusted to protect the house from malicious intent. He says that Othovir is no longer a part of the family. Zamlin is his name. He says no one is welcome to wait around the place. Dunbarr reveals that there are others meeting up at the place. Zamlin is suspicious of Dunbarr and Dipple. 

How dare you!? (When Dipple says he's going to continue on)

Dunbarr decides to keep walking past the man.

Kin misses his shot against a cambion.

Graupel goes to hammer the cambion. She smashes down with her hammer doing 19 damage. He looks crushed, grabbing his side.

She goes to hammer again and with a perfect swing swipes his head clean off his body. His headless body slumps to the ground. 

Bearnabus gives some healing to Graupel giving her back 17pts of healing. (Cure wounds). Bearnabus then transforms into a giant elk. The elk just about fits in the barn. She moves towards the other cambion.

Dunbarr casts a message to Bearnabus, saying that they are on the way. In elk form, Bearnabus tries to convey that they are in trouble. Tells Dipple that something is up. 

The guy in the cloak is following up behind Dunbarr. Dunbarr can sense that this guy has a lot of magical power. There is a tingle in the air and Dunbarr feels unusual and feels like he needs to leave. 

The riding horses seem nervous but they are not bolting.

The cambion yells at Graupel to attack the elk and she feels compelled to obey.

Dipple doesn't like the man following him and continues on towards the barn. He is able to see into the barn and detects that a cambion is there. Using his quickened spell, he casts (cold) chromatic orb at the cambion doing 18 cold damage. It doesn't seem that effective.

Kin shoots the cambion with a poison arrow doing 22 dmg. He happened to have found a little nook in his armour. 

Graupel goes to attack Bearnabus. Doing 19 dmg and another attack doing 14 dmg. Streams of tears roll down Graupels face. 

The elk ignores Graupel and goes for a hooves attack against the cambion. But they bounce off his scale mail twice. 

Dunbarr sends a message to Dipple saying it seems like this is sorted and heads back to Silverymoon. Elk says they are not sorted but isn't able to convince Dunbarr to stay. Dipple tries to intimidate Dunbarr but isn't able to. The cambion just needs to lock up the barn.

The cambion fires a fireball at Dipple and Kin. Kin leaps straight up and avoids any damage from the fire. Dipple makes a good attempt to dodge but still gets hit a bit by the fire.

Dipple eyes up the Cambions cloak to see if it is a billowing cloak but can't even tell what colour the cloak is. 

The cambion in the barn goes to attack Graupel doing 7 dmg to her. He attacks her a second time and does 11 dmg to her. 

Dipple, after being set on fire, fights fire with fire and sends a fireball at the cambion outside. The cambion isn't able to move in time and takes 39 damage. He is screaming from the fire. He loses his concentration on his suggestion to Dunbarr and Dunbarr regains full composure.

Dipple walks towards the cambion.

Kin fires another arrow at the cambion doing 28 dmg to him. 

Graupel goes to attack the elk but only the 2nd attack hits doing 15dmg. Bearnabus returns back to normal form. Graupel no longer feels compelled to fight since she can no longer see an elk.

Bearnabus goes to jab him with a spear doing 3 dmg to the cambion. The cambion brushes it to the side. 

Dunbarr says you tricked me!! He casts shatter on the cambion. A sudden loud ringing noise, painfully intense, erupts from right on the Cambion. He gets thrown to the ground and knocked out unconscious. 

The cambion inside does a perfect swirl attack with his spear, inflicting 24 dmg to Bearnabus. The follow-up attack just narrowly misses Bearnabus though.

Dipple moves back towards the barn and shoots a firebolt at the cambion doing 15 dmg to him.

Kin fires another arrow but misses this time. 

Graupel goes to swing at the cambion but misses both attacks.

Bearnabus heals themselves getting 19 hp back.

Dunbarr goes to the mage's body and searches it. He finds a potion of greater healing. 

The cambion attacks Bearnabus doing 18dmg and doing a further 21dmg on the 2nd attack. Knocking Bearnabus out. 

Dipple fires an acid chromatic orb but misses his attack. 

Kin fires an arrow right under the cambions arm and he just feebly says damn and slumps over dead. 45dmg

Graupel goes out to investigate the carriage. Spots a hidden compartment on it. 

A bead of force (Kin)

Scroll of protection (Bearnabus)

Potion of heroism (Graupel)

Potion of (stone) giant strength (Dunbarr)

Immovable Rod. (Dipple)

Dipple gives Bearnabus a potion of minor healing. 

Dipple checks out the horses. Look like really well-trained horses. Super strong looking and well behaved. Dipple takes one of the horses. Dunbarr takes a horse. 

Kin is unable to find his whistling arrow :(

Returning to Silverymoon, the party feel rejuvenated. The calm makes us feel better. 

On arrival at the frozen ivy inn, elves, humans, dwarves are sitting outside. Whole circles of bards are playing music. A gnome is behind the bar. Who is that there? Points to Bearnabus. Oh Moonstar, didn't realize they had Tiefling blood. I don't want any trouble, let me serve the wine. The gnome dismisses the question about possible trouble. Dunbarr pays 2 gp for the wine. The gnome says they don't like having fiends here. Bearnabus notices some people are looking at her.

Dipple looks for someone with a large hat. Asks to buy the hat. Gives a silver piece for the hat.

Kin looks at Dipple with confusion. Dipple hands the hat to Bearnabus. 

Bearnabus asks about staying. The gnome gives them a room for 3gp and throws in wine at Bearnabus's suggestion. The gnome calls Bear a good egg.

Kin gives 5 gp to the bards that are singing.

The elven wine is of high quality. 

After the bards finish singing, they come over with a drink. Tell stories about orcs and giants. Dipple is thinking about going to broker a deal with the dragons.  The party hear about wildlife being demolished. Bards plan to head to Yatar. The casino is in league with people worse than the Zentarium. A lot more disappearances in Yatar. 

Dunbarr drinks Dipple and Kin under the table. Bearnabus as an elk out drinks Dunbarr. 

Dipple and Dunbarr wake up hung-over the next day. 

Kin goes to investigate his mystery arrows.

Dipple goes to look for potions.

Bearnabus buys healing potions. 

Kins arrow fire a bolt of lightning, hitting everything along the way. 4d8 dmg / 10ft radius. 

Boots will get an extra hour each day. Something will happen after a month of using them.

Bear buys more healing supplies.

We head to Harshnag.

Travelling along on horseback to Zymorphen hall, we encounter 11 wood elves. Dipple says hello to them. They seem really happy. Dunbarr goes up to touch one of them. They think he is shaking their hand and shakes Dunbarr's hand back. Sea elves (from the Shae isles) that had disappeared but turned up alive and well sit down with them to eat food. They have a settlement to the south that they live in near the star mounts in the middle of the high forest. Hoping to get help from great elven sailors but their family is all okay. Less wildlife around now. Giants are eating it all. They are more active lately. The elves head on their way. Dunbarr goes for a high five but misses.


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