
Showing posts from March, 2021

21st March 2021 - Session 6 - Defending the Keep - Eoin

 Kin and Dipple lower their weapons as the last orcs in the gap are taken care of and dash like lightning towards the keep with the guards. The orc remains are piled up at the gap as Dunbarr reaches in and takes the necklaces of elf ears hoping they will be given a warrior's burial. Dunbarr and Bearnabus see out over the moat river at the elves who are continuing to help by firing volleys of arrows at another set of orcs heading into the keep. The orcs have made it to the wooden curtain wall and are climbing over. Like a sack of potatoes, Dunbarr hops onto Bearnabus and heads towards the keep. Graupel wields her maul at any orc willing to breach the keep's defenses. The first comes over and is brutally slain in a rage. The second and third orc make it over the wall together as a volley of elven arrows smashes into them. Graupel crushes the chest of an orc before it has a chance to react. Two guards in the entrance tower go out to face the orcs, their javelins managing to pierce

14th March 2021 - Session 5 - The Ongoing Battle to Protect the Town - Sally

We open mid-battle. Graupple & Bearnabus are fighting with two goblins. Orcs are attacking/running towards the outer wall. Elf scouts have arrived ahead of an elf army. Goblin battle Bearnabus is trying on his bear suit for the first time, Grauple is on a horse being a speedy bastard. The rest of the horses are grazing because they’re hungry alright?! The pronunciation of Grauple remains a mystery to many but the horses seem to know something we don’t… The GM deeply regrets giving the players control of the horses.. chaos commences. The horse fuckery becomes too much, and it is mutually decided that a purple aura means ‘I am on a horse’. The goblin’s names are Hogo and Tot – that’s important for their gravestones later because let’s face it.. it’s a goddamn bear. Predictably, Bearnabus instantly murders the goblins. Grauple heads to the gap in the wall, Bearnabus heads to the main gate. Main gate Kella & Xolkin & Dipple are up towers. Evermeet Elf scouts are arriving (Dippl

4th March 2021 - Session 4 - Protecting the Town - Matthew

 As they finish up talking to the guards, Dipple and Bearnabus notice seven horsemen riding towards the town. They estimate that they are probably 15 minutes away. It doesn't look like they are part of any army but rather wearing regular clothing.  The party questions Kella about the horsemen but she claims to not know them. It doesn't go unnoticed that her eyes widen upon being questioned about it. The party decides to head on down to the town's entrance to meet with the horsemen while telling the guards to hang back with the ladder in case things go south. While at the town entrance, Kin and Kella head up one of the guardtowers while Bearnabus and Dipple go up the other guard tower so that the drawbridge can be raised.  The 7 horsemen arrive outside the town. Dipple asks why they have come to Nightstone. They explain that Lady Nandar was asking for help. The main horse rider introduces himself as Xolkin Alexander. When questioned if he knows Kella, he says he does not but

28th Feb 2021 - Session 3 - Into the Keep - Brian

We rejoin our intrepid heroes after a devastating cliff-hanger. Dipple insights the crap out of the lady in the inn. We discover her name is Kella, she's a monk but is very well dressed and not as one might expect a monk. Suspicions are at an all time high. Kella is from Clondaptin (name may or may not be correct). Kin and Dunbarr loot the crap out of a sweet chest and divvy up the loot. Bearnabus, having released a snake from a box she has found, decides maybe releasing a flying snake in a small room might not have been the best plan. After an intense wrestling session, the snake is back in the box. Turns out the snake belongs to Kella and she wants it back. After a clever bit of sleight of hand Bearnabus hid the snake in the tinder box from Kella. The group tried to sneak the keep but Dunbarr was loud as all bedamned. He blamed the 25 foot ladder he was carrying but the group all give scathing looks none the less. The ladder attracts the attention of two lazily named goblins. (al

21th Feb 2021 - Session 2 - Nightstone - Lisa

We rejoin the party in the town of Nightstone after their defeat of the Goblins and wargs in the town square.  Initially unfocused, the party is discussing how to pronounce Graupel’s name.  The town looks the same as when we left it. Random boulders are strewn across the town, having damaged the buildings and pavements on their descent. A big hole is visible in the center of the town square.  Bearnabus is kind enough to heal Graupel who took heavy damage in the previous fight.  A floating hand, summoned by Dipple, starts high fiving the party.  Dunbarr Hornbelly starts quizzically moving towards the mysterious hole in the center of the town square. Sneaky sneaky Dunbarr moves as he passes the remains of the wargs from the previous fight. While investigating the hole, Dunbarr discovers it’s around five feet deep and goes straight down with a flat base at the bottom. With Poirot like detective skills, Dunbarr deduces that perhaps something was removed from the hole.  The party decides to