21st March 2021 - Session 6 - Defending the Keep - Eoin
Kin and Dipple lower their weapons as the last orcs in the gap are taken care of and dash like lightning towards the keep with the guards. The orc remains are piled up at the gap as Dunbarr reaches in and takes the necklaces of elf ears hoping they will be given a warrior's burial. Dunbarr and Bearnabus see out over the moat river at the elves who are continuing to help by firing volleys of arrows at another set of orcs heading into the keep. The orcs have made it to the wooden curtain wall and are climbing over. Like a sack of potatoes, Dunbarr hops onto Bearnabus and heads towards the keep. Graupel wields her maul at any orc willing to breach the keep's defenses. The first comes over and is brutally slain in a rage. The second and third orc make it over the wall together as a volley of elven arrows smashes into them. Graupel crushes the chest of an orc before it has a chance to react. Two guards in the entrance tower go out to face the orcs, their javelins managing to pierce...