21th Feb 2021 - Session 2 - Nightstone - Lisa

We rejoin the party in the town of Nightstone after their defeat of the Goblins and wargs in the town square. 

Initially unfocused, the party is discussing how to pronounce Graupel’s name. 

The town looks the same as when we left it. Random boulders are strewn across the town, having damaged the buildings and pavements on their descent. A big hole is visible in the center of the town square. 

Bearnabus is kind enough to heal Graupel who took heavy damage in the previous fight. 

A floating hand, summoned by Dipple, starts high fiving the party. 

Dunbarr Hornbelly starts quizzically moving towards the mysterious hole in the center of the town square. Sneaky sneaky Dunbarr moves as he passes the remains of the wargs from the previous fight. While investigating the hole, Dunbarr discovers it’s around five feet deep and goes straight down with a flat base at the bottom. With Poirot like detective skills, Dunbarr deduces that perhaps something was removed from the hole. 

The party decides to move towards the windmill. While passing a cottage, they hear some noises inside. Peering in the window, it appears the house has been flipped in the search for something. Bearnabus, Dunbarr and Dipple discovered it was wind creating the noise inside the cottage.

The party continue on, passing by a wheat field. Dunbarr, spurred on by his previous successful detective investigations, takes a close look at one of the boulders that lay around the town. He’s able to tell that the rock came from near the Sword coast which is found at the spine of the world up north. He also remembers that Nightstone is famous for a large Obelisk in the center of town made out of a black stone. The party is able to piece together that the obelisk is what has been removed from the center of the town square. 

Dipple strolls towards the windmill. He approaches carefully and spots Goblin prints on the path that leads up to the windmill. Upon entering, he is greeted by a series of pulleys and cogs, which are used to turn the mill. Up above his head can be heard the pitter patter of feet on the rafters above. 
A chuckle is heard from above. The party begins to suspect Goblins might be around again. Dipple ascends the ladder. While peering over the top, he spots two Goblins running along the rafters. Dunbarr immediately suggests lighting fire to the windmill but is talked down by the rest of the party. 

The party decides to leave the windmills peacefully and quietly, without engaging with the foes above. The party wedges the door closed as they go. 

From the windmill, which is situated on high, the party can now see Goblins dancing in a nearby pumpkin patch. The pair are bashing into each other while wearing pumpkins on their heads. 

Across from them they spot a sign with a blue shield and lion’s crest. It belongs to the trading company. The party heads east and passes a farmhouse in a similar condition to the previous cottage. The farmhouse has been flipped and apparently searched. 

Outside the trading post, the party can hear rummaging from within. Dipple is first in the door. Kin, Bearnabus and Dunbarr follow hot on his heels. They spot general trading goods, bottles, spies and crockery. Go tobann! A Goblin is spotted searching through a backpack. 

--- The party rolls initiative ---

The party starts to fight the Goblin named Jiik Graupel gets in an early hit and then Kin deals the final blow with his shortbow. 

The party starts searching as a group for a healers kit and luckily find one in the trading post. Dipple and Kin pick up extra hours and Dunbarr discovers a ladder. 

The party moves towards the Nightstone Inn which is north of the square. Upon approach, all seems quiet. Dipple and Graupel make their way around the back of the inn. To their east, they can see Goblin’s screaming and chasing chickens. 

Dunbarr goes in the front door first. Inside there’s a boulder that has smashed through the inn on the south side. There’s a dead Goblin on the ground which has been taken down by a crossbow arrow. Kin deduces that the Goblin has only been dead a few minutes. Dipple and Graupel enter via the back of the inn and are brought face to face with a Goblin stealing supplies. 

--- The party rolls initiative ---

The party face off against this Goblin called Gumgum. After Dipple and Graupel spar with Gumgum briefly, she attempts to roll away. Dipple takes his dagger and slices her throat. 

The rest of the party head upstairs, ascending the stairs, they hear nothing. The party splits off to investigate different rooms. Dunbarr investigates the top left room and discovers a wooden chest that he pushes off the upper floor to break open. Bearnabus heads to the room on the bottom left, in which he finds a box which seems to contain a snake. Upon opening the box, the snake jumps out and flies away. This is some sort of messaging animal used like a carrying pigeon. There’s a message written on a piece of paper in the box which reads “On our way!”

Dipple enters the room on the bottom left. He finds a female human standing in shadows in the room. Her appearance in monk-like. The room in which she stands, has a giant hole from one of the boulders.  Dipple explains that we are here to help. The lady explains that she hasn’t seen anything as she was knocked unconscious by the boulder. Dipple rolls for insight to see if she was lying. 

--- Session Pause / Cliffhanger ---


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