
Showing posts from August, 2021

15th August 2021 - Session 23 - Ossith's Many Valves - Eoin

The party stares down a ladder going deep towards a watery chamber. Hesitantly they head down together into a large sewer room with some walkways over a large body of water. Kin is the last to come down and stares back up to the top of the ladder seeing a grate lock into place above by fish hands. "That's not grate". Dunbarr heads in and seeing two merrows on either side of the room, uses the head of Ossith's pet to intimidate them. Ossith then telepathically speaks to the party. Bearnabus in shock says "that's amage-ing". Ossith confirms that he knows and is working with Atalia. Hearing this Dipple and Bearnabus head toward the office doors at the other side of room to speak with Ossith. Kin heads to the centre of the room to investigate some valves. Graupel and Dunbarr each head to one of the merrows just to make sure they don't try anything as they stand beside large valves. They immediately try anything and begin flooding the room as if it needed

8th August 2021 - Session 22 - Ossith's Favourite Pet - Sally

The group is in the sewer following advice from Lady Atalia (the lady in purple) that she has been delivering young noblemen to the sewer grate that we climbed down on orders from Ossith.  The group is searching the sewers, avoiding the water and the ooze.  The group moves further into the sewer into S3, away from the ooze. They find treasure, scraps of material, two potions, swords, arrows and torches. There are a lot of bones in the vicinity. Dipple & Graupel each find a potion. Dipple picks up a potion (potion of water breathing) and an Otyugh (monster, not chill) jumps out of the water and attacks Dipple who quickly lifts out a shield. The Otyugh smells awful. It feeds on live animals but also seems like he is a pet who is given food. Dipple runs away.  Bearnabus tries to distract the monster by conjuring a big pile of food into the corner away from the group. Kin dashes past. The Otyugh is uninterested in the food pile and runs up to the group instead. It wraps Dunbarr in its

25th July 2021 - Session 21 - What's in the Sewar? - Matt

Atalia picks up the pace and is now walking briskly. Bearnabus follows from a distance. Kin is following Dipple. It is a winding walk through town toward the Poison Dagger - still well dressed. Atalia ducks into an alley. Bearnabus stalls to allow the others to see where she is going. The alley is very dark and Ataila is at the back though hard to see. She says she wants to talk in private. Bearnabus looks to see if she can see a weapon but there is none that she can see. Bearnabus questions Atalia about how she came across Lord Artane's pendant? She claims she was forced by an evil sorcerer to abduct Artane. His name is Ossith. She explains how he is forcing her? Many dark orcs are working across the sword coast but she is indebted to one of them. Feels great shame over it. He didn't seem evil at first. Once she started working at the Great Dame she knew it wasn't good. Bearnabus suggests to Atalia to join the group. She mentions that Ossith is very dangerous. Atalia doesn

18th July 2021 - Session 20 - The Grand Dame - Brian

The night continued with Graupel standing there reminiscing fondly about the events of the last hour or two, much to the bemusement of the crowd standing around. Graupel finishes recounting our highly illegal tale and begins really making a balls of practicing the lute. One of the lutists, Cassie, takes pity on her and decides to help her learn. Kin, having just knocked out a rower, grabbed the oars and got ready to row so as not to attract attention. Dunbarr does a status check with everyone and coordinates where help might be if anyone needs it. Dipple is a masterclass in deception and continues upstairs with some Vol au Vents. He eats one sneakily on the way, thoroughly hoping that there wasn’t an exact number. He goes upstairs and offers the captain some snacks before continuing down a corridor. In the first room there is some banging, silence in the second room and possibly hears a splash of some kind in the third. At the last door, Dipple hears some god awful lute playing as if s

13th July 2021 - Session 19 - Welcome to Yartar - Lisa

Graupel, Bearnabus and Dunbarr head to see the Water Baron of Yartar, who is called Nestra and is the mayor of the town.  The Water Baron's house has high vaulted roofs and guards. When the party arrives, the Water Baron’s guards announced their presence. Upon entering the house the party can see large meeting halls, statues and tapestries upon the walls. The staff in the house escort the party to the Water Baron’s grand chambers. “Who are you?” proclaims Nestra, the Water Baron.  When the party tells Nestra that they’re here on behalf of Lady Dezhia and Lord Artane, Nestra appears to know nothing. She wasn’t aware that Lord Artane had returned after his disappearance. She tells the party that there have been 3 missing nobles. Lord Artane, Jacob Donflower and Timothy Salsburg.  Nestra states that there were no reports of attacks, only missing nobles.  She points the finger at Lord Drylund who is a great rival of hers. He runs a casino on the Grand Dame boat.  Nestra also talks abou