25th July 2021 - Session 21 - What's in the Sewar? - Matt

Atalia picks up the pace and is now walking briskly. Bearnabus follows from a distance. Kin is following Dipple. It is a winding walk through town toward the Poison Dagger - still well dressed.

Atalia ducks into an alley. Bearnabus stalls to allow the others to see where she is going. The alley is very dark and Ataila is at the back though hard to see. She says she wants to talk in private. Bearnabus looks to see if she can see a weapon but there is none that she can see.

Bearnabus questions Atalia about how she came across Lord Artane's pendant? She claims she was forced by an evil sorcerer to abduct Artane. His name is Ossith. She explains how he is forcing her? Many dark orcs are working across the sword coast but she is indebted to one of them. Feels great shame over it. He didn't seem evil at first. Once she started working at the Great Dame she knew it wasn't good.

Bearnabus suggests to Atalia to join the group. She mentions that Ossith is very dangerous. Atalia doesn't know how people are ending up in the cocoons. Ossith lives down in the sewers.

Bearnabus closely focuses on Atalia and it seems like she is holding back a little on all the info. Kin, Graupel, Dipple reach the alley. Dipple whispers to Bearnabus if she is okay.

Atalia moves back. "Who are your friends? The more involved, the greater the danger."

When questioned on where she sends the nobles she points to a grate at the end of the alley. How convenient that it was so close.

Atalia can't sell the amulet. “If you want to help me, stop Ossith.”

Bearnabus persuades Atalia to come back onto the street with the rest of the gang.

"Ossith has a hold of me. Ossith is a tall handsome man with a moustache."

As Dunbarr arrives, Atalia exclaims "More friends? How can I trust you with people arriving left, right and centre?”

Atalia is aware of the hand of Yartar.

Before the gang heads down the grate, they ask “Anything we should know before we go down there?” Only that “He is a dangerous man.”

"Where can we find you after Atalia?" 

"I move from place to place. I board the Grand Dame at 4pm if you want to wait for me at the docks. A word of warning, Ossith is probably a magic user."

When asked about Lord Drylund, Atalia doesn't know anything. Dipple thinks she is telling the truth. Atalia seems confused around that line of questioning.

Dunbarr thinks going into the sewers is a trap.

Kin gives Graupel back her maul.

Atalia says she will give them the necklace if they can defeat Ossith. Dunbarr swears upon Hornbellys everywhere. If Ossith is not defeated tonight he will get Atalia tomorrow.

Atalia enchants people when delivering men to the sewers. No women or children. Just noblemen. The gang peaks down into the grate. Bearnabus produces flame into the grate. It's a sewer for sure.

Grauple heads into the sewer first, followed by Dipple, then Bearnabus, Dunbarr and Kin in the rear. Dunbarr lights up Graupel maul creating a 20ft area of bright light. Graupel leads the way. Bearnabus turns into a crocodile. Graupel sees an inlet and the gang decides to investigate. Kin goes into stealth mode.

Kin falls into the water and climbs back up. Dipple falls on his ass. Graupel helps Dipple up. At the inlet, there is a door and Kin listens to it. He hears nothing. He then uses a mirror to look into the room.

Inside the room, there are handwheels and levers. A skeleton is naked. No possible way it happened naturally. Chunks of flesh, chunks of the skeleton. Could be suicide. Could be sewer-cide. Kin enters the room.

Dunbarr investigates the levers. Thinks the 4 handwheels will raise the water. The 4 levers are for draining water. Red, blue, green and yellow. 

Water has been in the room before. No bite marks on the skeleton. Graupel inspects door. Just a normal door. 

Dunbarr suggests using the table to cross the sewer. Kin goes with Dunbarr. Bearnabus and Graupel go with Dipple down south over the bridge.

Dunbarr falls into the water with the table. He goes to climbs on out the other side. Kin glides across the sewer with before unseen serenity.

The roof starts to move in a weird manner. Ooze starts to engage us. Looks like dirt ooze. It attacks Kin first doing a decent bit of damage. It starts to destroy Kin’s armour. 

The ooze misses Dunbarr. Dunbarr then uses burning hands against the ooze. Looks like it hurt the ooze but it doesn't seem to be hindered by it.

Graupel sees flames in the background. She concludes that the other group might be in danger. Starts dashing towards the other group. Dipple follows Graupel.

Bearnabus swims across the sewer towards the group. Goes to bite the ooze. Doing a bit of damage. But the ooze gets on Bearnabus's skin. It seems to have damaged her teeth making her bite that less potent. 

Kin disengages from the slime and runs across the sewer but slips into the water. He tries to get out but slides down but on the 2nd attempt makes it out.

Dunbarr gets attacked by the ooze doing considerable damage, but his armour is weakened due to acid damage.

The ooze attacks Bearnabus and does a bit of damage but also impacts the effectiveness of the crocodile hide.

Two more oozes drop from the ceiling. They probably "oooozed" their way up.

Dunbarr once again uses burning hands and uses an opportunity attack to hop over the ooze. They each take a decent bit of damage. It definitely hurt them but they are still standing.

Graupel dips her bedroll in the sewer water and goes to throw her bedroll at the ooze. It sits on top of the ooze. Dipple casts ray of frost at both oozes. The first one misses, and the second hits but it doesn't seem as effective as it should be. Dipple moves closer.

Bearnabus lifts up the bedroll. The ooze seems to be inanimate. Looks like it could be dead? Bearnabus goes to splash into the sewer to get water on the oozes. Manages to splash all 3 of them.... then gets back onto the bank.

Kin moves like the wind to arrive behind the group. Graupel gets a sharp pain in her head and it seems to have actually hurt her a little bit. Ooze attacks Bearnabus doing some damage but the crocodile hide is getting wrecked for sure.

Dunbarr takes out 2 hand axes. "Time to get choppin'" He does a bit of damage to the ooze. Axe gets damaged though. The 2nd hand axe does more damage though. It slams straight into the middle of the dirt. Something shimmers out of it and the dirt falls inanimate.

Graupel moves away from the battle.

Dipple moves east away from the battle. He sees a part of the sewer that has collapsed. Objects are strewn around the place. Looks like a potion, coins, another potion, arrows. Loot galore. Dipple goes to pick up a potion. 

Bearnabus decides to de-croc and does a medicine check on Graupel. Looks like she got hit by a psychic attack.

Kin goes to Bearnabus to get his armour mended but there is no time yet to get it mended. Dunbarr sees the ooze ooze into the water. 


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