8th August 2021 - Session 22 - Ossith's Favourite Pet - Sally

The group is in the sewer following advice from Lady Atalia (the lady in purple) that she has been delivering young noblemen to the sewer grate that we climbed down on orders from Ossith.  The group is searching the sewers, avoiding the water and the ooze. 

The group moves further into the sewer into S3, away from the ooze. They find treasure, scraps of material, two potions, swords, arrows and torches. There are a lot of bones in the vicinity. Dipple & Graupel each find a potion. Dipple picks up a potion (potion of water breathing) and an Otyugh (monster, not chill) jumps out of the water and attacks Dipple who quickly lifts out a shield. The Otyugh smells awful. It feeds on live animals but also seems like he is a pet who is given food. Dipple runs away. 

Bearnabus tries to distract the monster by conjuring a big pile of food into the corner away from the group. Kin dashes past. The Otyugh is uninterested in the food pile and runs up to the group instead. It wraps Dunbarr in its tentacles, becoming grappled. The Otyugh bites Bearnabus. He can easily travel through the sewers and seems unaffected by the slippiness. Dunbarr attacks with Sharpie and hits twice. He then heals himself using second wind but remains grappled. 

Graupel chooses chaos (with the encouragement of the team) and picks up the second potion, hoping that wasn’t the thing that caused the Otyugh to appear. It is also a potion of water breathing. Nothing bad happens!

Dipple throws fire bolts at the Otyugh, Bearnabus attacks with a flame blade, Kin attacks with a shortbow. Three small monsters (slippery slimy fish people) appear from out of the sewer! The Otyugh grapples Graupel causing damage. He slams Dunbarr onto the ground. Dunbarr hacks at the Otyugh with Sharpie to try to escape. Graupel attacks with her giant axe. It can’t grapple Graupel if it's dead! Dipple runs up to the Otyugh and casts a fear spell that causes it to drop what it's holding and dash. Dunbarr and Graupel are de-grappled!

Dipple alleges to have made some hilarious batman jokes. 

One of the fish people casts Bane on Dipple, Bearnabus and Kin. Bearnabus is hit (1d4 is now subtracted from every attack & saving throw – Bearnabus is ‘under bane’). A fish person attacks Dunbarr and hits. Bearnabus flame blades the Otyugh.

Kin starts attacking a fish person and kills him dead straightaway!

The oozes from earlier are back en route towards the group, very slowly, but still coming. Its psychic ooze – that’s how they know where we are. 

Dunbarr kisses Sharpie for being the best axe ever and hits a fish person. It may have been a bad idea to come into the sewer… Graupel & Dipple help in attacking the fish person that Dunbarr is attacking. The fish person attacks back, attacking Dunbarr of course! He keeps concentration on the bane spell on Bearnabus. 

Everyone continues attacking the fish people. They attack back, mostly Dunbarr. Dunbarr gets grappled again but by the fish person. Kin carries out the final kill shot on them.

The Otyugh is busy underwater and fails wisdom saving throws to shake off the fear. 

Freshly de-grappled, Dunbarr engages with the final fish person and Sharpie kills it by cutting its head off. 

The group briefly dillies to pick up 14 gold, 17 silver (Kin), a long sword (Dunbarr), a crossbow and 5 torches (Bearnabus). 

Bearnabus heals Dunbarr 18 points. 

Otyugh shakes off the fear and reappears and attacks Graupel and Bearnabus. He grapples Graupel again, Bearnabus avoids it again. He does not look too fresh. Graupel attacks. Sharpie chops off Otyugh’s head, killing him. Dunbarr fashions a net out of rope to carry the Otyugh’s head. 

The group moves towards the grates in the sewer across the bridge. The grates are 30ft deep, and have no ladder. There is only darkness at the bottom. They look like overflow pipes. The group checks around the sewers. An arcana check at the S4 grates showed nothing. 

Bearnabus wild shapes into a giant spider and climbs down the grate 15ft below. There is a room down there. The water level reaches the walking platforms, Spidybus can see two merrows by two handwheels similar to the ones in S1. Merrows are fish people with tails, has grapples. They are more trained, more elite fish people. The floor is scattered with material that looks like the cocoon in which Lord Artane was found. There are possibly other creatures in the water. The grates which the group are standing around on the level above drop down into the water, however, Spidybus can see that the grate at S5 on the above level will lead to a footpath and has a ladder. 

Bearnabus climbs back up the grate, de-spiders and tells the group everything.


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