
Showing posts from December, 2021

19th December 2021 - Session 32 - Silverymoon - Brian

Bearnabus investigates the mysterious ring and discovers it contains good magic but just can't figure out what exactly. The ring is put on and able to be taken off to which Dipple calls absolute bullshit. Bearnabus does however realise that the ring needs to be attuned to the wearer. The party grabs some breakfast in the inn, collects their horses, and head towards Silverymoon. When they get there, they are struck by how beautiful the city is, peaceful, ornate and protected by a shimmerìng spell of some kind. Dipple sends a giant rat and a panther through the barrier to test it and nothing happens apart from startling some guards with the sudden appearance of a panther. Kin talks to the guards and finds out the shimmer is a spell of dispelling magic. no magic is permitted within the walls unless it's approved. The guards say we can use magic if we kill all the mages in the town but the party decide that that seems excessive. Bearnabus and Kin try to convince the guards to let t

12th December 2021 - Session 31 - Gathering Clues in Everlund - Lisa

In Everlund, the party discusses whether they should meet with Dral or see the messenger who has a message for Bearnabus.  Dral is in Danvers house, No. 13, which is west of the main square.  The party takes note of a wizardy looking tower in the north end of the town.  Danvers house is the oldest and largest inn in all of Everlund. The inn was bought by the Zoar family and serves great food. Dral, the enormous one-eyed half-orc, is behind the bar when the party enters. The party can also see a dwarf serving drinks and behind the bar can be seen two humans, one from up north and one from the south.  Dral greets the party as they enter. ‘Hello friends’ he heartily proclaims. Dunbarr tells Dral that they are friends of Darathra from Triboar. Dral speaks kindly of her.  Dunbarr chats to Dral about local news and shows Dral the badge of Triboar.  Dral grabs a fancy bottle of elven wine and invites the gang into a back room to have a drink. The drinks are poured into small wooden cups. The

21st November 2021 - Session 30 - Arriving at Everlund - Eoin

Dramatically arriving just in time, Graupel rushes into battle against the hill giant. The giant, in fear of Dipple, is running from the tower down the hill towards the forest as it takes a big hit from Dipple's chromatic orb and fire bolt. Bearnabus heals Dipple and turns into a bear. As the hill giant approaches the forest, one of kin’s arrows arcs into the air and pierces into her neck. Graupel, Dunbarr and Bearnabus head into the tower to loot. The hill giant regains its senses and decides to gtfo and keeps running into the forest. The team sees the hill giant's bag atop a ledge. Graupel adeptly creates a climbing rope up to the ledge and hoists herself up but just as she reaches for the bag, Bearnabus sends Pritstick up to grab the bag and bring it to her. Inside the bag is a necklace full of all sorts of bones including human. We make our way to Everlund and meet with the guards at the entrance. They tell us where Dral Thelev, the one eyed half orc is. After noticing the