12th December 2021 - Session 31 - Gathering Clues in Everlund - Lisa

In Everlund, the party discusses whether they should meet with Dral or see the messenger who has a message for Bearnabus. 

Dral is in Danvers house, No. 13, which is west of the main square. The party takes note of a wizardy looking tower in the north end of the town. 

Danvers house is the oldest and largest inn in all of Everlund. The inn was bought by the Zoar family and serves great food. Dral, the enormous one-eyed half-orc, is behind the bar when the party enters. The party can also see a dwarf serving drinks and behind the bar can be seen two humans, one from up north and one from the south. 

Dral greets the party as they enter. ‘Hello friends’ he heartily proclaims. Dunbarr tells Dral that they are friends of Darathra from Triboar. Dral speaks kindly of her. Dunbarr chats to Dral about local news and shows Dral the badge of Triboar. 

Dral grabs a fancy bottle of elven wine and invites the gang into a back room to have a drink. The drinks are poured into small wooden cups. The party starts to drink from the cups. Graupel goes first. A mere second or two later, the room starts to melt away. The party are quickly transported away. The liquid in the cups was some sort of transportation spell. 

The party find themselves in a room with a black stone floor. Seven figures in dark mage robes and seven tressyms are also present. 

Kin finishes his drink since it’s fine elven wine and should not be wasted. 

A wizard tells the party that they’re in Moonstone tower. An older wizard enters the room. 

At that moment Dral also appears, laughing hysterically. He was playing a trick on the party. The party have actually been transported to the tower a few hundred metres away in the north of the town that they spotted on their way across the town. 

The old wizard asks Dral why he’s brought this band of travelling adventures to the Moonstone tower. 

Dral explains that he has brought the party here to help with a problem in the north. 

The party is informed that the harpers and the emerald enclave have an alliance. 

Harshnag is near Zymorven Hall (a keep to the north) and requires assistance. He is gathering information about the giants and dragons' next move. He has requested the aid of a band of warriors. Harsnag himself served in Force Grey. 

The party discusses helping Harshnag who is a two-day walk away and reach an agreement that they should travel to him and give aid.

The old wizard knows Kastan. He tells Dunbarr that Kastan is not a Harper but is a high-level wizard whom he should avoid fighting against if possible. 

Dral shows the party to the teleportation circle at the top of the tower. The party is also given a map with the locations of all the teleportation circles. The party is given a spell scroll called ‘Raise dead’.

The party agrees to help Harshnag in Zymorven hall but will stop at Silverymoon along the way.

Dipple arrives at the wizard tower having been let out of prison to assist in the quest. 

Dral tells the party about some important dragons. 

Arveiaturace - Insane white dragon

Arauthator - White dragon

Iymrith - Blue Dragon

Klauth - Red Dragon



Arveiaturace wears the dead body of her dragon trainer, which she talks to. 

The party walked back to the inn and head to bed. When the party awake they each find items near their bed.

Dunbarr finds speedy speedy fast boots (blue) and puts them on. 

Kin finds arrows with white goose feathers. 

Graupel finds bracers and puts them on. 

Dipple finds a pendant in his pocket with runes on it. 

Bearnabus gets a ring. 

Dipple puts on the pendant. Nothing happens. Dipple tries to remove the pendant but he can’t. 

Dunbarr tries to remove his boots and succeeds. 

Dipple tries to investigate the pendant but receives no useful information. He tries casting mage hand to remove the pendant but it fails. 

The party heads to the messenger to retrieve the note for Bearnabus. 

It reads…

Dear David,

You said you would be back in a year!  It's been 2 years and your mother keeps complaining to mine about you.  You are of Nobel blood, you are meant to be lounging around with us, being influential and not working all the time.  Get home now!

Dad sent that scrap of metal to some mage he knows here in Waterdeep.  He said it's part of some dragon slaying colossus called the Voindod (that's Titan of Death to you and me).  It was broken or dismantled or both after some ancient war was over.  The guy seemed to think you would need a crazy amount of heat to reforge the thing.  And obviously all the pieces.  Dad sent it up North, magically concealed, once the mage was done with it.  Didn't want Waterdeep getting destroyed by the presents you sent back.  

Why did you draw fire at the end of your message?

Yours Faithfully,

Fred Moonstar

The party discuss why Fred, Bearnabus cousin, has sent the piece north.  

Session ends


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