
Showing posts from January, 2023

19th January 2023 - Session 56 - What's the most subtle way to extract an axe from a prison? - Eoin

"No one is innocent until proven guilty" - Dipple The plan to break out Harthal and get the giant slaying axe begins. Dipple casts Seeming to turn himself into Zymomen and turns Dunbarr and Graupel into official-looking bodyguards. Bearnnabug hides in Dunbarr's beard. We then enter the garda station. The captain of the guards is humbled by king Zymomen but can't do anything without the permission of the Waterbaron. Dipple assures the captain that Harthal will be properly tortured and imprisoned in their homeland. Graupel slips out of the station and puts on the hat of disguise, magically transforming via disney princess method into Waterbaron Nessa. Over in the Emerald Enclave, Kin is in discussion with Barnel. They tell Kin that Perdita has been falsely imprisoned for theft. Kin agrees to break her out. Kin arrives at the guard station, stealths past Graupel doing a magical transformation, uses the chaos Dipple is causing and slips by the captain. Kin sees the safe i

15th January 2023 - Session 55 - Escaping Sansurei (at least for a while) - Eoin

As the party softly lands in the marshy bottom due to the feather fall potion, from above they can see the cloud castle of Zephyros coming to lend a hand. We quickly jump aboard and his smaller ship begins making a quick getaway towards Neverwinter. Zephyros says he likes the excitement of us small folk and never really liked Sansurei anyway. Zephyros had spent a long time over in the Moonshae isles seeing all sorts of chaos from sea creatures to thunderstorms. He also says representatives of the giants have gone to meet princess Saoirse in the underwater palace of King Heckaton. The Count Vala of the cloud giants is much more reasonable than Sansurei and will most likely side with whoever gives her a bribe. Dunbarr gives Zephyros a jar of mucus and Zephyros then levitates away to drive the castle and mess around with the mucus. During this time Graupel has been meditating to speak with Prittstick. Prittstick had a ribbon on her leg which was a message from a bard in Yartar saying the

5th January 2023 - Session 54 - Did Kin just get hit? - Eoin

Dunbarr calls a message meeting and tells the party that Gustnabus has the conch and is flying towards the marshy bottom at the speed of air. Now is the time for everyone to jump out the nearest window. Dunbarr also sees in the distance a familiar cloud. Could it be the incredibly helpful and friendly Zephyrs in the distance? Dipple and Graupel are surrounded by angry giants. Things are not looking good. Graupel begins cleaving at the giants, every shot landing perfectly, never missing. The voice of Lisa in the background says "are you serious?". Cicero sees Dipple with a smirk on his face and uses telekinesis to bind and restrain him. Dipple fights back casting fear and acid but Cisero takes it in his stride. Another giant comes up and knocks Dipple out. From the shadows, Kin fires a wave of poison arrows at the giants directly into their danger zone. A giant knocks out Graupel before Kin lands an arrow in its eye killing it. Cicero uses misty step to get into hand-to-hand r

21st Decemer 2022 - Session 53 - Slippery Conches - Eoin

Cicero doesn't believe that we are not involved somehow and locks us inside the room to check out the disturbance. Dunbarr has a message conversation with Bearnabug. Dunbarr realises he is only getting insect tapping back as a response. One tap for yes, two for no. It seems like Bearnanbug is getting on good and now is the time for the party to leap into action. Dipple begins casting ice magic upon the lock to try to break it open but fails. Kin with dexterous hands and lock-picking tools unlocks the door getting some cold hands because of it. Upstairs Bearnabug turns into an air elemental and strikes at Sansuri but fails to steal the conch. Sansuri farts a wind aura around herself and tells Airnabus to show her true form. Airnabus says "look, I'm panicking, I'm just trying to make you the leader of the giants". Airnabus then gives her potion of hill giant strength to Prittstick who immediately becomes super ripped. They both go in for another attack on Sansuri. A

11th Decemer 2022 - Session 52 - Freeing Felogos - Eoin

Our party confronts Sansuri and explains why we want the magical conch. Our party argues that with her help we could join the giant clans together under her rule. She seems hesitant and wants us to convince her we were sent by All-Father. We vaguely describe what happened to get into the other dimension and talk with the oracle before a dragon came by and wrecked the place making sure not to mention Harshnag by name. Cicero brings us to a locked room where we can chill out so she can process the request. Dipple and Graupel take this chance to dimension door out to save the dragon. Bearnabus turns into a ladybird and tries to find Sansuri. Dunbarr and Kin stay behind and pretend that everyone else is in the room and use message to ensure everything is going well with all the other parties. Dipple and Grapuel end up in a room surrounded by 5 sleeping griffons. Beyond the cages, they can see another cage with the dragon inside. Another dimension door and they are inside the dragon cage. T