15th January 2023 - Session 55 - Escaping Sansurei (at least for a while) - Eoin

As the party softly lands in the marshy bottom due to the feather fall potion, from above they can see the cloud castle of Zephyros coming to lend a hand. We quickly jump aboard and his smaller ship begins making a quick getaway towards Neverwinter. Zephyros says he likes the excitement of us small folk and never really liked Sansurei anyway. Zephyros had spent a long time over in the Moonshae isles seeing all sorts of chaos from sea creatures to thunderstorms.

He also says representatives of the giants have gone to meet princess Saoirse in the underwater palace of King Heckaton. The Count Vala of the cloud giants is much more reasonable than Sansurei and will most likely side with whoever gives her a bribe. Dunbarr gives Zephyros a jar of mucus and Zephyros then levitates away to drive the castle and mess around with the mucus.

During this time Graupel has been meditating to speak with Prittstick. Prittstick had a ribbon on her leg which was a message from a bard in Yartar saying the giant slaying axe was here. This must have been the bards Kin befriended in Yartar. If the message was dropped in Sansurei's castle, she might know where we are going. Bearnabus spends some time healing Prittstick from her injuries.

Zephyros floats back down and Dipple shows off the mighty conch. Zephyros has seen one of these and describes its magical uses. It can take 8 willing creatures to Heckaton's underwater palace. Giants can breathe underwater so some of the areas of the palace are filled with water. He then describes the different leaders of the giants::

- Fire giant queen hates dragons

- Frost giant king cares about weapons and swords

- Stone giant king cares about the all father oracle

- Mirin and Nim are sisters of princess Saoirse

- Saoirse uses her uncle, Uthur, as an advisor

We all have a long rest on our 2-day long journey to Neverwinter. When we arrive we begin buying supplies and potions. Kin finds a seller who gives him 2 dragon-slaying arrows and 2 giant-slaying arrows. The party then teleports to Yartar.

Dryads are around us when we arrive and ask who we are. We don't want to say and Kin bribes him to stay shtum. We head towards Scimitar Sally in the poisoned dagger. After some haggling with the bartender we get let into the back. It turns out Scimitar Sally is married to Harthal, Lord Zymomans' son. Harthal has the giant slaying axe but sadly is in prison right now for killing someone.

Dipple's plan is to pretend to be Harthal's legal representative and break him out. Bearnabus's plan is to dispel the magic on the safe containing the sword. Dunbarr's plan is to ask for the sword as it rightfully belongs to Lord Zymoman. Kin has gone to get help from the Emerald Enclave.  Something has to work right?


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