11th Decemer 2022 - Session 52 - Freeing Felogos - Eoin

Our party confronts Sansuri and explains why we want the magical conch. Our party argues that with her help we could join the giant clans together under her rule. She seems hesitant and wants us to convince her we were sent by All-Father. We vaguely describe what happened to get into the other dimension and talk with the oracle before a dragon came by and wrecked the place making sure not to mention Harshnag by name. Cicero brings us to a locked room where we can chill out so she can process the request.

Dipple and Graupel take this chance to dimension door out to save the dragon. Bearnabus turns into a ladybird and tries to find Sansuri. Dunbarr and Kin stay behind and pretend that everyone else is in the room and use message to ensure everything is going well with all the other parties.

Dipple and Grapuel end up in a room surrounded by 5 sleeping griffons. Beyond the cages, they can see another cage with the dragon inside. Another dimension door and they are inside the dragon cage.

The dragon thanks Dipple for coming to save him and says his name. Dipple casts animate object on the wall and the segment of wall the chained dragon is attached to. This causes a loud deep rumble throughout the castle as if something had just exploded. This also turns these wall pieces into golems. Dipple tells the dragon to fly towards Silverymoon where the antimagic field will remove the manacles on the dragon. The dragon raises itself up off the ground and flies out the hole in the wall with the chain and small animated golem flapping behind it.

Bearnabus flies along the outside of the castle trying to reach the top of the tower. She reaches an open window and inside finds the Countess's room in which hangs a merry-go-round. As she continues her search and begins going to lower levels she finds Sansuri. Staying out of sight and hidden, she watches as Sansuri arrives in the bedroom, picks up a miniature treasure chest from the headboard on the bed, and whispers some magical incantation into it. Appearing, as if by magic, at the foot of the bed, a large chest appears.

It is at this moment that the loud animate object spell waves throughout the castle. Cicero immediately starts banging on the locked room and begins opening it. Dunbarr and Kin are there asking "what is going on?" and "It sounds like an explosion. Are you under attack? Do you need help?". This confuses Cicero as he assumed it was our doing. Cicero asks where are the others. Just in time, Dipple and Graupel dimension door into the room in the back and appear as if everything is normal.


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