4th April 2021 - Session 8 - The Goblin Caves - Brian

Having found the cave and learning what was in it, Grauple decided to look for another entrance. While trying to explore the cave entrance, Kin drops his collection of bells and plates which alerts the Goblins and Ogres so the team retreats. Grauple returns with news of two tunnels, one with goblin footprints and the other looking empty. The team takes the empty looking tunnel but Dipple and Bearnabus still manage to fall down the tunnel taking damage.

At the bottom of the tunnel, the team finds a rock with black goop in it. They rack their brains to see who knows anything about it. The team collectively shrug and continue on with their lives, confident in the knowledge that it wouldn't come back to bite them in the ass at all.
After walking down the tunnel and discovering a small waterfall, the large black acid goo follows them into the room trapping them there. The irony of the situation is not lost on them. The team begins to attack the goop but does minimal damage. With physical damage doing very little, Bearnabus decides a thunderous spell might do something more than just alert all the other enemies in the cave about their presence. Sadly she was catastrophically wrong.
Grauple takes the tactical decision to eat some of the random mushrooms that were on the floor. This noble step both saves Dipple inevitably doing it and leads to profound brief and violent vomiting. Dunbarr attacks the goop with his trusty axe Blunty (formerly Sharpy). Dunbarr mourns his axe but manages to chop the goop into smaller goops.
The goop has completely moved into the room while most of the party have retreated back to the pool at the base of the waterfall. Grauple valiantly loses her lunch in the corner of the room. But just as all hope seemed lost, a few bold strategies emerge. Grauple throws one of the mushrooms at the goop while Kin wraps himself in his wet bedroll and runs at the goop trying to get through. Hope no longer seemed lost until both of these plans failed completely to do any damage.
Dunbarr doesn't give up and just keeps chopping the goop into smaller and smaller blobs using previously looted handaxes. Kin manages to wrap one of the blobs in his wet bedroll while the other goop disappear down cracks in the stone. The smaller sizes of goop allow the party to escape past and back up the tunnel.
Irritated by the constant sound of vomiting, Bearnabus reluctantly agrees to heal Grauple of the poisoning brought on by the mushrooms.
The team attempts to sneak into the larger section of the cave to try and take out a few of the enemies by stealth. Dunbarr has other plans and makes a metric fucktonne of noise alerting the goblin at the tunnel entrance. The goblin yelled "we're in trouble". Dunbarr in a massively cool and intimidating way, locks eyes and says "Yes you are!"

*cliffhanger ending*


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