13th June 2021 - Session 16 - More Fighting a War in Triboar - Sally

Open: Everyone levelled up from being awesome

Dipple takes a mid-battle nap in which he can do frosty cantrips.

There is a group attacking from the bottom of the map and from the right-hand side.

Bearnabus uses a healer kit to heal Graupel. 

Kin attacks the one remaining awake & alive magmin and nearly kills it. Othovir misses. The magmins maul with their flame fingers in response. They scrab at the air and miss, they start to glow a little brighter. 

Two orogs (orcs on steroids) surround Darz and each of them do two attacks on him! All four attacks hit and Darz is knocked unconscious. Another orog attacks Darathra but he misses.  Two more orogs attack Dunbarr, they hit and he takes significant damage but ‘tis but a scratch!

The axebeaks follow the fire giants leaving. 

Dipple casts ray of frost on a magmin who explodes as it dies in a burst of fire and magma. Othovir does a dexterity saving throw and takes 4 damage. Narth crossbow shoots a magmin. 

Graupel unsuccessfully attacks the Orogs around Dunbarr. Urgala kills a magmin who explodes and does a bit of damage to Urgala. 

Darathra shoots at a magmin among the orogs. It explodes. The orogs quickly shield themselves and only one of them takes damage. Dunbarr takes a potion of healing for 15 healing. 

Bearnabus cure wounds Graupel and then becomes a bear. 

Kin shoots arrows at the orogs but misses. Othovir shoots a firebolt from afar at the orogs. 

Darz death saving throw is successful .  An orog kills Ghelryn. 

An orog attacks Bearnabus the brown bear who takes hella damage. Another Orog attacks Dunbarr and hits once! Dunbarr laughs at his second miss. The second Orog also attacks Dunbarr but misses and then hits. 

An orog attacks Graupel and hits but she is mid rage so only takes half damage. 

A magmin runs over to Narth and then stops in front of him. Spikes that were preventing the enemies from moving disappear! Bearnabus loses concentration. 

Dipple wakes up mid battle! Narth is engaged in combat with a magmin over a fence. Narth runs away from his new explosive neighbour and shoots it from afar. The magmin blows up in a safe space. Dipple firebolts an orog but misses. 

Graupel turns on reckless attack and kills an orog. She badly damages a second orog. Urgala walks toward the battle. Urgala decides to shoot her shortbow at the orogs rather than throwing the whole bow at them. It doesn’t hit. 

Mid-battle, Dunbarr shouts out hold shift to keep the distance on the screen.

Darathra enters hand to hand combat with an orog and does damage. Dunbarr gets revenge for the attacks by the orogs and swings Sharpie, chopping off both the Orog’s knees, killing him. He turns and swipes at the other orog and wounds him but he’s alive. 

Bearnabus misses with a bite but slashes an orog with his spikey claws. He’s not dead. Ghelyrn fails his first saving throw. 

Kin shoots an orog and misses. Othovir shoots a firebolt. The orog is consumed by the fire. Othovir self-high fives. 

The magmins celebrate their new spikeless freedom and charge towards the dead Darz. 

An orog attacks Dunbarr and knocks him unconscious. He then goes over to Graupel and attacks. He then attacks BEARnabus and de-bears him. 

Darz fails a death saving throw. (1 save, 1 fail). 

Narth shoots an orog and scratches it. Dipple also shoots the same orog with a firebolt but misses. 

Graupel recklessly attacks an orog but misses twice. Urgala attacks the orog beside Bearnabus but just misses. 

Dunbarr fails a death throw (0 save, 1 fail). Darathra says some kick-ass lines then slice n dices an orog. 

Bearnabus fails a produce flame at an orog. Ghelryn is successful on a death save throw. (1 save 1 fail)

Kin hits an orog with an arrow. 

Darz rolls again (2 saves, 1 fail). 

An orog attacks Graupel and fails to hit. 

The magmins set fire to Darz’s body on the ground. He dead. A magmin attacks Graupel and does a little bit of fire damage. Urgala is also attacked and slightly singed. 

Dipple’s ray o frost destroys a magmin and it explodes beside Ghelryn who gets one death failure. Narth stabilises him. 

Graupel recklessly attacks an orog and damages him badly but misses second time round. Urgala attacks the magmin beside her and hits it but it's still alive. 

Dunbarr is successful on a throw (1 save 1 fail). Darathra attacks but misses the orog and then we leave the battle for this session.


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