16th May 2021 - Session 13 - Exploring Triboar - Lisa

We return to the game in Darthra’s dwelling. Darthra is the Lord Protector of the town. She tells the party they can return to her tomorrow for jobs if they’d like.

Bearnabus decides to wait until tomorrow to talk to the nobles in the fancy inn. 

The party sleeps.

In the morning the party heads to breakfast with Urgala. 

Urgala enquires about how the party slept the night before. Kin subtly drops a hint that he is an elf and therefore above the simple activity of sleeping. 

They swap adventuring tales with Urgala and she talks about how her wife went missing many years ago in the Underdark. The Underdark is a dark realm, many warriors have entered and never returned, presumed dead. 

Urgala asks the party about their own adventures and the party swaps information by telling Urgala about the giant cloud wizard that transported them to this town. Urgala finds this story most interesting as she hasn’t heard of any giants around these parts for years. 

Urgala tells the party that Lion’s Inn had been broken into. 

Dunbarr automatically thinks Kastan, his arch-nemesis, must be behind it. Although Urgala doesn’t trust Kastan or wizards in general, she doesn’t believe Kastan is behind it as he had left town a while ago. 

Urgala mentions that she heard the Lord Protector sent some troops out to scout the surrounding area.

The party heads to Lion’s Inn to investigate. 

They meet Alestra and Narth at the inn. They explain some gold was stolen along with two magical sacks. The thief left a broken harness and grappling hook behind. 

One of the magical bags is a bag of tricks and the other is a handy haversack. Alestra offers a reward of 50 gold pieces but the gang barter the deal to be 25 gold pieces and a magic bag of Alestra and Narth’s choosing. 

They hear that Otaver is the town harness guy. 

Dunbarr heads to Darthra’s dwelling and asks questions about the location of Kastan. Darthra says he went to Neverwinter to research runes. 

Dipple and Bearnabus head to the fancy inn while Dunbarr, Graupel and Kin head to investigate the harness maker. 

Dipple and Bearnabus discuss hiring mercenaries with the innkeeper in return for Bearnabus lodging at the fancy inn. 

Dunbarr, Graupel and Kin meet Otaver who tells them he doesn’t make harnesses for humans, only animals. Otaver believes the harness is from Waterdeep. Built most likely for a slim human around 6 feet tall. 

Back in town, Darthra offers Bearnabus 40 gold pieces to stay at the fancy inn. She tells the group to look into the grapple maker at the smithy or forge. 

Party travels to the smithy run by Harriet. Harriet says she didn’t make the harness but her rival, Ghelryn, at the forge might have. 

The party travels to the forge where Ghelryn admits to making the grapple. She admits she sold it to Dars Helgar at the campground. 

The party confronts Dars at the campground and he admits to stealing from the inn. He said he was forced to do it by Caelan, a tavern owner, and that he gave the goods to Caelan. 

The party confronts Caelan. Dunbarr tackles Caelan which is enough to make him give up the location of the loot. 

Caelan and Dars are tied up and the gang find the loot upstairs. 

The party takes Dars and Caelan to Darthra the Lord Protector. Darthra throws them both in prison. The Lord Protector gives Graupel 20 gold pieces. 

The party brings the stolen goods to Alestra and receives 25 gold pieces and the bag of tricks as a reward. 

The grey bag of tricks has a small fuzzy object you can pull out up to three times a day. Each time a random animal will pop out. 

Dipple pulls out a giant badger and feeds it a wheel of cheese.

The End


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