24th June 2021 - Session 17 - Saving Triboar - Ciara

The scene opens with the last remaining orogs and magmins fighting for their lives. Bearnabus decides to start into some triage and magically cures Dunbarrs wounds.  Kin hits home with an arrow from his short bow to kill the last of the orog.  

While this is going on, Othovir casts a witch's bolt on one of the Magmins still on the field.  This proves to be a lot more effective than attacking the magmin with normal weapons.  All the magmin's fire fizzles out dies.

Dipple starts working on the unconscious magmins and freezes the first to death.  Narth follows suit and shoots an arrow to awaken a magmin.  Bearnabus decides it's time to take out all the enemies near him and casts Thunderwave, smashing and exploding the two Magmin's near him.  Unfortunately, the explosions also hurt Urgala and Graupel but it's worth it.  The last of the Magmins are mopped up by Kin, Dipple and Narth.  

The adventurers have saved the town!

Dunbarr predator handshakes Daratha (with added gifs for the DM provided by Kin) and then along with Urgala they all yell Triboar.  Dunbarr then blames Kastan for all of his problems.  The rest of the party glazes over.

Once that's done, everyone is very curious about what the giants were digging up.  Dipple is set on finding out but Darathra reminds the group that there is a town on fire and she takes Urgala to help.  Bearnabus heads off with them and a cunning plan to use magic to help.  Dipple asks for them to send back some help and tools for digging. 

With the battlefield void of living enemies, Kin decides to search for arrows and also happens upon 51 gold pieces scattered on the bodies of the orogs.  

Dunbarr goes to help his kinfolk Ghelryn who is grateful for the assistance.  In return, he is offered, unerring friendship.  In more practical term as a reward for Dunbarr's aid in the battle, Ghelryn offers him Marks of Prestige (a letter of recommendation) in case he ever travels to the Citadel Felbarr.  There he could count on the wonderful hospitality of King Morinn and Queen Tithmel.  He made them some splendid ceremonial armour a year ago.

Bearnabus performs some excellent magic to aid Darathra and Urgala and pours a great deal of water on the fire filled houses putting out a lot of the damage (which the villagers appreciate greatly).  However, this exhausts him and he has to take a break when the manual labour begins.  Urgala stays a while with him to take a bit of a break herself.  She says that he reminders her of a noble knight she used to know.  He was a former adventuring companion of hers.  He fought giants as well.  Then she remembers he actually had a giant-slaying greataxe.  What a coincidence.  Maybe Bearnabus might want to stop by and see him.  She tells him Harthos Zymorven lives in Zymorven Hall, his ancestral keep on the Rauvin Road northwest of Silvermoon.

Dipple waits for the tools and aid to return before he starts dealing with the giant's hole.  While waiting he makes some small talk with Narth who seems to be concerned about a previous transaction he had organised with Othovir.  Othovir had made a beautiful five-horse harness for Amarth Mulnobar.  The deal had been arranged by Narth a few weeks ago and now he was due to deliver the goods but with the town in the state it was, there was no hope of leaving the shop.  Dipple offers to take the harness to Amrath in Noanar's Hold.  Narth thanks him and says he will provide a horse and cart and 100 gold pieces up front.  

Help arrives on-scene and the digging begins.  The plan is to open out the hole the giants started.  The dwarves get to it and start digging in one side of the pit.  The three human volunteers start over the other side.  The digging is tough going but the dwarves were built for this.  They dig fast and effectively.  Dipple decides to help out and yet still the four humans are no match for the dwarves.  Kin throws himself into the dwarven side.  He proves to be a match for the humans but he has nothing on the dwarves.  Eventually, they hit gold (metaphorically, realistically they hit adamantine).  They have found a 1000 pound 11 foot long 2 inches thick C shaped item.  Dunbarr figures it's a piece of a larger device.  Pritstick seems to know exactly what it is but is bored by the humans and wanders off.  Urlam (one of the humans in the pit) offers to buy it for 5 (500gp) blue gems.  He doesn't seem to realise the trouble it could cause.  Bearnabus and Dipple notice he has an eye patch with a snake embroider in it.  It's all very suspicious and Bearnabus tries to name drop Kella's name as bait to trip him up but it doesn't work.  He seems to live across from the campsite though so he is local.  A suspicious man appears outside the door of his house in full leather armour and weapons just at that moment.  This is Valken, Kin confirms he is a suspicious person who decided not to help them fight the fire giants.  Accusations of Zhenatium spy potential are whispered by the group and they agree it's probably best to keep the device for now.

After extensive discussions, the decision is to use Darathra's help to send the device to Waterdeep.  Bearnabus has a lot of connections with his family (the Moonstar clan) and the Harpers so he puts together a letter to send to them with his family seal.  The plan is to send this ahead of the actual device so they can prepare.  The device will be delivered by one of the Twelve (trusted by Darathra who is also a Harper).  The letter says the following:

"Hi Family,

Please conceal this piece of metal with magic.  We don't know what it is.  Don't sell it to anyone.  I'm looking at you, Fred.  Hope you are well.  Fire giants are looking for it.  We have word of scholars from Nightstone studying ruins in Waterdeep.

Make sure to conceal it properly as it could be tracked with magic.  Ignore the toxicity warning in the coming letter.

(the symbols from the fire giant armours are copied here)

From David (Bearnabus)."

Dipple sends the following note with the device:

"Do not touch this object, it is deadly and will kill anyone who touches it within 3 days"

Once everything is organised, there is partying to be done.  Everyone eats and is merry.  At the party, the adventurers find out a few things.  Othovir has a stash of magical family heirlooms that he has no plans on retrieving (it seems like a lot of work to him).  The Magaster family own a 3-story tower with a carriage house in Silverymoon.   He thinks there might be other people looking for the treasure there as his family were a chatty bunch before their demise.  They are welcome to retrieve the treasure as thanks for saving the town.

Later at the party, Drathra takes them aside and discusses her concerns about fire giants attacking the town out of nowhere.  She thinks they need more help from the Harpers.  She suggested a contact of hers called Dral Thelev, a one-eyed half-orc in Everlund.  He lives in Danivarr House along Evermoor Way.  To prove they know her, she provides them with the insignia of Triboar.  She thinks it's important to the protection of the town.  

And so the partying and being merry comes to an end.  Everyone gets lots of sleep (spells and health as well).  

Until next time.


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