24th May 2021 - Session 14 - Attack on Triboar - Brian

It's evening time.  The party splits up to sleep. Bearnabus, Dipple and Dunbarr go to the fancy inn.  Kin and Grauple stay at the cheaper inn with an agreement to meet at the Lord Protector's gaff.

Suddenly nothing happens but then some screaming people yell about giants.  

Them sky giants again *shakes fist at sky*.

There's damage, it was pointed at, I was too zoomed in to see.

Two groups were attacking from different directions.  Dunbarr makes a racist comment about elf eyes based on stereotypes.  Giants are travelling in from the long road, a larger group of smaller people are arriving by the Evermore road

The party heads down to the long road to meet that army.  The road has 2 fire giants and 4 orcs on axebeaks.  The beautiful ballet of death will take place on the campground.  The giants have shovels and are here to fuck shit up.

Bearnabus grows some spikes while yelling "let's get horticultural up in this bizzitch".  Kin looks for somewhere to hide for sneak attacks but manages to shoot the frame of the window.  The axebeaks take most of the damage and one dies.

The orcs hit the party with javelins.  Dipple just runs uselessly.  Grauple does the same but towards them.  Dunbarr kills another axebeak with his magic missiles.  Darathra shows up to help and misses with her crossbow.  Bearnabus heals up and wolfs up.  Kin shoots one of the orcs and hides again.

Muthafluffin Gelrin shows up like a boss and brought a harness maker.  Narth, Urgala, and Dars, who is suicide sqauding it, all show up to help.

The giants show no regard for fence maintenance and enter the field.  The orcs drop a load of javelins in a menacing manner.  Dipple runs some more, Darth shoots one of the orcs.  Grauple prods an injured orc gently, Urgala however kills the orc.  Darathra tangles an arrow in the spike growth, Dunbarr runs too.

Wolfnabus dashes, Gelrin considers running face-first into a house but trips on a fence instead.  Kin picks off an orc and strategically hides behind dunbarr, Othiver firebolts an orc-like a boss.

The giants start digging a spot on the ground.

Some orcs try to attack Wolfnabus unsuccessfully.  Dipple tries to take over the mind of the giants and fails. Narth shoots one of the orcs trapped in the spikes.  Grauple moves towards the orcs near the giants, Urgala shoots an orc in the spikes too.

Darathra tries to get in on the shooting of the orcs in the spikes but misses and Dunbarr moves his little short legs to try get in the fight.  Wolfnabus attacks an orc on an axebeak and knocks over the orc.  The axebeak really fucks up Wolfnabus in retaliation.

Kin tries to shoot an orc who's lying facedown but misses, Othiver firebolts the crap out of an orc.

The giants keep digging the hole.

Orcs are free from their spikes, they all try to go after Wolfnabus.  Dipple casts a crown of madness on one of the giants to attack his colleague. Narth kills another one of the mounted orcs.  Grauple engages one of the giants in battle.

Darathra misses shooting the last orc and Dunbarr finally makes it to the combat but straight up misses with his axe.  Wolfnabus shreds one of the mounted orcs.  Kin drops an arrow on the ground and runs away strategically.  Under crown of madness, one giant attacks the other.  After taking an axe to the head, the other giant resumes digging.

Dipple casts a chromatic orb at both giants and hits the guy who was under a crown of madness. Narth shoots the last mounted orc.  Graupel smashes the giant with a maul. The giant is minorly inconvenienced, Urgala walks towards the battle.

The Lord Protector deals out a devastating 1 damage to an orc as Dunbarr finishes it off.  There are only two giants and one orc left.....

To be continued


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