6th June 2021 - Session 15 - Stopping the Fire Giants - Matthew

The giants have been digging away for 30 seconds and have been making phenomenal progress. Bearnabus as a wolf runs right up to one of the fire giants and tries to bite the shovel away from them. Unfortunately, the wolf jaws can’t make enough purchase to rip the shovel away from the fire giant. 

Kin, seeing this, let's loose an arrow at the same fire giant hitting it but the fire giant doesn’t seem to have noticed getting hit with an arrow. 

Othovir goes to cast a fireball also at the same fire giant but it peters out before it even hits him. 

The fire giant, noticing all these shenanigans, turns around to Graupel and lifts his sword up which is bigger than her and brings it down, slashing her from top to toe. Graupel collapses from the immense damage. It looks like she is knocked out and in grave danger from her injuries.

The second fire giant shouts out “Get these small folk away from us! Leave us be! Giant matters are of no concern to you.” He then proceeds to attack Bearnabus doing a massive amount of damage to her and then swings at Ghelryn who takes some damage but is lucky to have avoided the large amount the others took.

From the north 6 little magmins arrive on the scene. From the east orogs and magmins also arrive.

The orogs go to attack Darathra but her armour holds up and she avoids taking any damage from them.

In retaliation, Darz goes to attacks them but misses with his sling.

Narth uses his short sword on the orc beside him putting the orc on its last legs.

Dipple decides to use a minor illusion to imitate one of the fire giants. He shouts out “We got it! Everyone retreat immediately”. The enemy soldiers are confused by this and stop to ponder for a moment what is going on.

Graupel is still lying on the ground but it looks like there are still signs of life.

Urgala fires her short bow at the first fire giant, the bow is unleashed with such finesse it looks to be flying quicker than any other arrow she has shot before. Alas even though it strikes the giant, it seems he too didn’t even notice getting shot with an arrow.

Darathra shoots her crossbow at the same orog that Narth was fighting and hits it right in the chest putting it out of its misery.

Dunbarr asks Sharpie should he go into battle. The others do not hear the answer but see Dunbarr go to attack the fire giant. His attack doesn’t connect but Dunbarr pushes himself beyond his limits and goes for a second attack which unfortunately also doesn’t connect with the fire giant. 

Ghelryn goes to attack the second fire giant but misses with his first swing.  Then manages to get it with his second one. He realises his attacks aren’t really doing much and starts to retreat. However, noticing this the fire giant gives Ghelryn a fair wallop knocking him unconscious on the spot.

Bearnabus runs over to Graupel and uses healing touch to get her back on her feet. Bearnabus doesn’t waste any time getting away from the fire giants.

Kin fires at the fire giant again but it seems his luck has run out as the arrow clangs off the fire giants armour.

Othovir is seen taking out a burnt twig that he had tucked away and aims it at the fire giant. Blue energy starts to build up at the tip and suddenly a beam of crackling energy shoots towards the fire giant.  However, it looks like Othovir is having a difficult time controlling it and it ends up scorching the ground beside the fire giant. 

Even while all this is going on the two fire giants are still digging away unperturbed by the attempts on their life. 

The magmins start to spread out.

Dipple casts charm person against both the fire giants. It looks like only the second fire giant gets affected by it. Dipple tries to convince the second fire giant that they should leave, that the Duke gave them order to go. The first fire giant is not convinced but Dipple uses his cunning charm to convince that giant that he has been sent by the Duke. 

Narth moves east and shoots his short bow and misses. It was a long shot, literally, he knew he’d probably miss. 

Graupel attempts to mount one of the buckbeaks but it tries to snap at her, just narrowly avoiding her. 

Urgala is seen rambling around the battlefield.

Dunbarr heads east.

Darathra shoots her heavy crossbow at the orog but misses. 

Bearnabus heals Ghelryn and gets him back onto his feet. He decides to head east.

Kin attempts to shoot at one of the magmins but misses. Othovir follows it up with a firebolt and succeeds in hitting it but it actually looks happy to have been hit by it.

The fire giants are finally convinced to leave. They are used to the Duke changing his mind and the second fire giant swears he knows the messenger and that they should go. 

Alas, the magmins still move closer and closer. 

Darz moves east and tries to use his sling again and misses. He wonders why he is even here.

Dipple heads north and heroically hides behind one of the carts there.

Graupel moves north.

Urgala shots one of the magmin with her short bow, the first shot misses but the second connects. However, it looks like the arrow is starting to melt into the magmin.

Dunbarr heads east.

Darathra also hits one of the magmins with her heavy crossbow but the arrow also melts into this magmin.

Bearnabus casts spike growth on the enemies in the east impeding their advance. 

Ghelryn heads east.

Kin shoots again at the magmin and ends up missing.

Othovir is seen extending his hand and tracing out a sigil of warding in the air. It looks like he may have resistance against weapons for a bit.

At this point in time, the fire giants are still leaving the field of battle. It doesn’t look like they are putting much energy into it.

The orogs attempt to leave the spike growth but it can be seen that they are getting hurt as they do so. With the orogs out of the spike growth, they unleash a volley of javelins at the group in the east. Narth and Darathra get hit but Dunnbarr quickly reacts.  He is able to form an invisible shield in front of him which deflects the javelins. Somehow Darz manages to avoid getting hit and he shoots back with his sling and manages to hit. Though it doesn’t look to have left even a mark on the orog. 

The magmins in the north are moving towards Kin and Othovir. Dipple, seeing this, casts sleep on them and manages to put 3 of them to sleep.

Narth shoots his crossbow and misses with it.

Graupel throws her own javelin at one of the magmin but is unable to hit it.

Urgala runs at one of the magmin and slashes at it managing to take it out. She proceeds to swing at the second magmin and it looks like a good hit but the magmin is still standing.

Dunbarr spreads out his hands and shouts out “Magic hands!”. Suddenly a thin sheet of flames shoots forth from his outstretched fingertips at the orogs. It looks like they get toasted a bit but they are still standing and look pretty annoyed to have had fire shot at them.

Darathra attempts to shoot at one of the orogs who looks to have got hit the hardest from the toasting but she misses her shot and decides to hightail it out of there. 

A musical tune plays from the heavens, the adventuring group feels like they have gotten a bit stronger. 


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