4th July 2021 - Session 18 - The Road to Yartar - Eoin

The party begins to head out of Triboar and journeys east. Darathra gives the party 50gp and 3 health potions for the journey. She says to watch out for the dangerous rocks in the valley towards Noanar's Hold. The party heads towards Noanar's Hold to deliver a harness from Narth.

They come to a group of caravans stopped at the entrance to the Dessarin valley. There was a rock slide and the road is blocked by boulders. It will take 2 days to clear up so the party heads south into the mountains. They come to the Dessarin river and see a flock of seagulls swooping at the water.

On the river's edge is a white cocoon made of soft webbing. Dipple and Graupel can’t seem to figure out what it is. Nothing happens when they knock and it smells a bit weird. Dipple tries to use Mage Hand to carefully slice open the cocoon. Graupel finds a translucent man inside definitely caused by magic. Bearnabus heads down to medically help him. As she checks the man she can’t figure out how to help. She tries to heal him with cure wounds. He opens his stark blue eyes. “Where am I?”

His name is Lord Artain Rossario. Dipple asks him what happened to him. He says he came from Yartar. He’s very confused as to why he is here. He barely remembers anything except a golden goose and a woman in a purple dress. We agree to bring him with us to Yartar.

Dipple clothes the man. Bearnabus showers the man in water as he screams in pain like his skin is on fire. The party heads back to the cocoon to see if they can fit the man inside and help him live. Bearnabus tips the mirky water from the cocoon and the party fixes the cocoon to the cart. Bearnabus mends and fills the cocoon with water. The party heads towards Yartar.

The party sleeps for the night outside of Yartar. Artane pops his head in and out of the cocoon seemingly enjoying the water in the cocoon. His mother is the head of Rossario, Lady Desi. His father is dead and named Earnest. The family is famous for building barges.

The party heads into Yartar and the guards point them towards the mother's estate on the outskirts of town. They arrive and Dipple gets into an argument with the butler on who is nobler. The butler gives the party 100gp for helping Artane. Kemet, the butler is worried for Artane and tries to remove him from the cocoon. The butler realises his onyx disc pendant engraved with capital R was taken.

The mother is willing to give 300 gold to investigate what happened Artane and 300 to retrieve the pendant. She tells of the Hand of Yartar, a female only thieves guild. Also, the Poison Dagger tavern is the least favourable place in Yartar filled with questionable folk.

Bearnabus, Dunbarr and Graupel head to the Water Baron, Nestra. Kin and Dipple head to the Poison Dagger tavern.


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