10th October 2021 - Session 27 - Defeating Amrath - Matthew

The gang notices a chest in the room and after a few checks determine that it is probably safe and not booby-trapped with magic. However, the chest is firmly locked. Before proceeding with the chest the gang decides to chase after Amrath. Listening closely to the door he had locked behind him we can hear the movement of chains with what sounds like humanoids moving about. Kin lockpicks the door open and the gang makes its way in.

As we enter the room we can see Amrath unchaining some orcs. Four of them so far have been freed. Graupel not hesitating at all goes straight on the attack taking out one and taking a slice at another. One orc goes to attack Dipple but he is able to cast a shield to defend against the hit. Throughout all this argy-bargy Dunbarr decides this is now the best time to talk to Amrath about why he is helping the Wights. For Amrath a steady paycheck is more important than the lives of others. Dipple decides to finish the fight by throwing sand in the air and this causes two of the orcs to fall asleep. Confusingly Bearnabus generates food and water out of thin air onto one of the still awake orcs. The orc is very confused about this. 

With the battle over and the remaining orcs chained back up, Amrath is questioned further about his actions. Two centuries ago the Wights at one point were human when Amrath was serving them and decided that after they became Wights it was still okay to serve them. Dunbarr not happy with this exclaims to Amrath that he makes the Dwarves look like idiots. Amrath is then chained up with the orcs. The gang decides to be lenient on the orcs and lets them go on the condition that they never return to the town.

Graupel offers Amrath 20 gold pieces to look after the keep and also asks how they became hunt lords. Seems a demon lord was involved and it won’t take long for him to realise that the hunt lords are now dead. 

With the key for the chest taken from Amrath, we go about inspecting the contents of the chest. It has 600 gold pieces, 6 gems that are worth 50 gold pieces a pop, a scroll of shield worth 120 gold pieces.

The gang takes a walk around the keep and can clearly see that it’s not in good shape and falling apart.

Amrath is brought to the town centre where his misdeeds are announced to the townsfolk. They don’t seem too fussed about the news and help Amrath to his feet. The inn is bustling with townsfolk who are unsure of what to do next, though the sentiment seems to be to high tail it out of the town. The gang has a merry night drinking booze and getting on with the townsfolk.

The next day it’s decided the gang will head to Everlund. At the stables, we reunite with Prittstick and Graupel talks to him and turns out the slave child has been treating him very well. With a bit of convincing we get Prittstick to continue on the journey with us. 

On the journey to Everlund Kin spots the emblem for the Emerald Enclave and convinces the gang to follow the arrows for it. The arrows point into the forest and as we journey into it we notice that some of the trees seem to be moving. One of the trees end up walking in front of us and we decide to follow it. It leads us to a clearing where we come across a half-goat man. He is playing a sad song. Turns out he had just gotten rejected. He explains that Turlang is the leader of this Emerald Enclave in this area and is out on a mission at this time but will be back at some undetermined point. He also explains that he believes their God has abandoned the giants because they didn’t fight the dragons.

We get Prittstick to fly up high to see if he can see anything but we don’t hear back from him. 


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