14th November 2021 - Session 29 - Moog - Sally

(No Graupel this week)

The session opens with the group standing on the road between Everlund and Calling Horns, having just left the forest. Pritstick is back but the mucus is gone. The group talks about things they just learned - the orcs are leaving because giants are fighting for power, Turlang (the treant) would be back soon, but one core truth eludes the group: was it a jug, mug, or jar of mucus? 

Kin spots a dark shape overhead flying towards the group, it's a dragon! Everyone hides in the trees nearby, but Dipple, being fluent in dragon and giving zero fooks, calls the dragon down for a chat in a heretofore unseen heroic act of persuasion and diplomacy. 

[Context: The Hill Giants didn’t join in the fight against the dragons so no one likes them, including the dragons.]

The dragon is young and coppery coloured, he is 20m long being on the smaller side of huge, and believes Dipple’s intentions of friendship, bonding over their mutual disdain for giants. Dipple asks the dragon if he has seen anything of interest in the area from his aerial viewpoint. The dragon says there is a tower slightly to the north, off-road, which is crumbling and has dead humans scattered around it, with blood hawks flying overhead. He suspects there is a giant in the tower and begrudges that dragons have to deal with them. He mentions a Chromatic Dragon in the North (exact location not revealed) that will have to deal with the giant. 

Dipple persuades the dragon to offer help should we encounter a giant and be in need of assistance. In order to summon the dragon, we need to set a fire in the clearing to the south of Everlund, in which case, one small favour will be granted. Dipple feeds the dragon a giant elk out of his bag of tricks in thanks. Then he was dra-gone. 

The group, after a split vote, goes to investigate the tower to the north. It is very old and crumbling, made of stone with a wooden roof. There are four blood hawks circling overhead with human and animal parts scattered around. Through stealthing, Kin sees that a giant boulder blocks the entrance to the tower and there is a large gap in the sidewall. The group figures out that the guttural singing coming from inside is a female hill giant. Her man left her for the chief and she’s real mad. Although she is ginormous, she can move freely around inside the tower, not a cookie dough in a tin situation. 

Dunbarr and Kin go to the boulder, while Dipple & Bearnabus investigate the gap. The bloodhawks start to attack. Kin shoots one of them and hits, scattering feathers everywhere, then hides behind Dunbarr. Dunbarr offers the giant help but quickly gets into a mocking battle when his definitely massive height is offended. Dipple offers for the group to leave if the giant hands over her loot in an act of American-style diplomacy. Dipple shoots a firebolt at the bloodhawks but misses. A bloodhawk attacks Dipple, and then attacks Bearnabus but misses. Bearnabus whips up a windwall, killing three of the bloodhawks instantly, leaving just one alive. 

The giant drops to the ground floor and tries to push against the boulder at the entrance but Dunbarr uses brute strength and the law of the lever to keep it in place with a shovel. He is extremely graceful about it and.. Jk he smack talks and taunts this heartbroken giant. 

Dipple dodges the wind wall and fires up the BBQ on the final bloodhawk, killing it. Bearnabus drops the wind wall, becomes a bear, and helps Dunbarr successfully keep the boulder in place yet again! 

Kin and Dipple start to climb up to the gap in the sidewall, while Bearnabus casts a spikey ground. The giant runs away from the spikey ground and meets Kin climbing in the gap as he shimmies back down the rope. Dunbarr, in a bid to distract her, rolls the boulder away and shouts taunts at her. He gets an inspiration point for successfully strength checking against a giant thrice! After Dipple casts a fire bolt at the giant, she drops stones on him. Kin runs to hide behind the boulder. 

Dipple casts another fire bolt at the giant while Dunbarr loots the tower. The giant spots Dunbarr and throws stones at him while Kin shoots her with arrows. Dunbarr, unphased despite a lot of damage, smashes a chest and collects a potion of climbing, a potion of greater healing (after rolling a 1/100), a potion of hill giant strength, robes of a halfling warrior (tunic for under armour), and 300 silver pieces. 

Bearnabus debears and heals Dipple and Dunbarr after their stony encounters. 

Dipple runs inside the tower and casts fear on the giant, causing her to jump out the gap to run away from him. The giant damages herself on the fall, and fails a second wisdom saving throw, remaining in fear of Dipple…


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