17th February 2022 - Session 38 – Wormblood – Brian
The party enters the tunnel and despite his enormous size, Harshnag is almost completely invisible with his amazing sneaking. Large blocks are suspended from the roof. Ultimately these turned out to be nothing but the party was worried about a trap. Dipple pulls a panther out of his pocket and throws it down the corridor to check for traps. The blocks didn't fall but someone down the corridor sounded put out by a panther suddenly being there.
The party follows down the corridor towards the noises to
find about 10 people very pissed. Included in the people was Wormblood, the old
leader of Grauple’s tribe. He is adorned with a rather fabulous feather boa.
Grauple urges peace with Wormblood but it is in vain. There was much fighting.
A Wyrmling arrives to join the fight being commanded by
Wormblood. The mages start casting lightning bolts like they are going out of
fashion and there is more fighting all over the gaff. Suddenly there is a giant
ape who rips the control collar off the dragon before disappearing as quickly
as he appeared.
Eaglenabus is just swooping about the place, Kin hides at
the back laying down the sneak damage while Dunbarr and Grauple wade into the
middle of the brawl. OOOOHHHHHHHHH shiiiiiiiitttttt all the barbarians are
reckless AF. Dipple, no longer an ape is immediately knocked unconscious. And
since he's narrating this tale, it plays out in hobbit fashion and nothing
happens until he's conscious again.
Bearnabus back to her old druid self heals Dipple who tries
to convince the Dragon that he is no longer a slave to Wormblood and he should
join the fight against him. The Wrymling won't join the fight but appreciates
the freedom and agrees to leave. The Wyrmling, Magera, agrees to help the party
in the future when they need him.
But back to the fight... Everyone is attacking everyone and
Grauple falls victim to a curse from Wormblood meaning she couldn't attack.
Bearnabus does some delicate shimmying to get through enemies, cures Grauple of
the curse and immediately becomes a Giant Elk. Dunbarr and Sharpie make decent
hacks into the many barbarians. Harshnag absolutely demolishes some of the
enemies with his fantastic axe work. Kin does some damage from the corner of
the map.
And that's where I stopped writing so hopefully that was the
end of the session
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