12th June 2022 - Session 46 - Back to Neverwinter - Sally

All members levelled up to 9. Story background items: We are collecting Giant artefacts and have recently acquired a gold tooth. The metal piece we found was sent to Fred Moonstar, who couldn't figure out what it was so he sent it to a mage in Neverwinter. We also sent mucus to Neverwinter through the Emerald Enclave. Kin since received a letter saying the mucus was from an ancient monster that hadn’t been seen in a long time. The Moonstars have a family home in Neverwinter.  The Harper HQ and Emerald Enclave HQ are also in Neverwinter. Khastan is rumoured to be in Neverwinter. 

The group is in Neverwinter and breaks up to do tasks. Dunbarr goes to visit the Harpers to look for Khastan, Graupel & Bearnabus go to the Moonstar home to visit, Dipple went for a chat with the Dragon people Arzastra (Dragonborn who serves a dragon lord from the North), Kin goes to see Barnell Jessops in the Emerald Enclave. 


Dipple updates Arzastra, who is pro-giant-collapse, on our goings-ons. Dipple says that the Giants are forming a doomsday device and are seeking an alliance between dragons & common people. Arzastra likes that there are multiple powers at play. The leader of Fire Giants is going for a dictatorship and is making a weapon for dragon slaying. 

Arzastra heard that a chromatic dragon is involved in the undoing of the giants. It's been 600 years since there was a Chromatic Dragon, it must be an elder that was sleeping/hiding. The ancient dragons can scry for each other but also block each other from seeing them. Dipple asks for a contact for the Chromatic Dragon, as he wants the sword coast ruled by the Chromatic Dragon and King Hecaton (missing Storm King that we're looking for artefacts in order to find). Queen Baramet (Dragon queen they tried to raise from the dead), would like everyone dead. There are dragons and giants who are extremists wanting death of all, and dragons and giants who want the sword coast alive. King Hecaton has a daughter - Seresa. 

Dipple & Arzastra have breakfast. 

Graupel & Bearnabus

Graupel disguises herself as what she thinks Khastan looks like without ever having seen him. She is wildly inaccurate in her assumptions. Graupel & Bearnabus visit the Moonstar family home to see Lord Cavilos, Bearbabus' cousin. They are welcome there. 

The piece of metal that the group had sent on to the Moonstars for examination turns out to be part of the Voindod (dragon slaying sword). Lord Cavilos says they had to reinforce the foundations on the house to keep it here, as the Giants would sense if it moved. Khastan has examined it! (Fun fact: Storm Giants can hold their breath underwater.) It would take reigniting the forge with the fire elemental (one of the most powerful beings to be caught & trapped to re-forge Voindod). Graupel changes from dwarf-Khastan to 5ft and a half Khastan. 


Dunbarr goes to the Harper HQ. Weeler opens the door. The heir to Neverwinter was killed, and now Lord Neveremember (former a Lord in Waterdeep) is the Lord Protector and enforces with a heavy hand. The Alagore bloodline was killed out including the ruler by the Lord Protector, Weeler asks for Dunbarr's help in repelling him. 

The Zhentharum are working with the Frost Giants. We have Giant relics, we met the oracle, we are going to bring back the Strom King, the All Father will restore balance. The Harpers are worried that they'll be destroyed in the Giant's quest for absolute power. 

The Harper tells Dunbarr that Khastan is in the Wizard Tower. Weeler wants no part in his planned murder, but says that Dunberr & Bearnabus (who is also a harper) should call back after. 


About to visit the Emerald Enclave…


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