14th August 2022 - Session 48 - Who is Kastan? - Eoin

In the creepy bloody water ritual room, we find the party facing off against Kastan and two water elementals.

Bearnabus creates a stone wall around Kastan. Dunbarr jumps into it with misty step and using action surge, he gets a few hits in before Kastan disintegrates the wall saying "you will not be able to stop my plan, we will meet again" as he walks 30ft away and summons 6 crulls (crunchies).

Water elemental A and Jeff attack each other because of crown of madness. Dipple's panther doesn't know what's going on but successfully does some splashing damage to the elementals. Dipple, Graupel and Hootnabus face off against the crunchies and a cycle of poison, paralyzation, and grapples. Hootnabus taking too much damage becoming Bearnabus once again. Kin runs at the speed of a sneaky elf to get help from the Emerald Enclave.

Jeff regains his control and slams the panther killing it. Dipple polymorphs into a giant ape and stomps crunchy Bob. Dunbarr grapples (hugs) Kastan as Kastan clutches his chest saying "not now master" and teleports away. The party thinks Kastan may be in league with the aboleth.

Creatures begin piling up against giant ape Dipple. Massive damage was thrown by Dipple and Graupel at the monsters as Dunbarr poured potions into Bearnabus. Nothing seems to want to die. Kin arrives just in time to do massive damage to the closest krusty krab. Then Kin shoots a lightning arrow hitting 4 of the monsters. Dipple, Bearnabus and Graupel are taking massive damage.

Kin kills the krab beside Graupel. As the krab dies, Graupel whispers into the krab's ears "vase". Graupel then runs towards the vase throwing a javelin and smashing it thereby demoting it to a cup. The glyphs shine as the vase crumples. Bearnabus marks down the symbols as they appear. For some reason, Graupel and Dunbarr stand on the ancient glyphs activating them. They appear to be part of the magical plane.

Giant ape Dipple takes out the rest of the krabs. Seeing the fight not go their way, the water elementals vanish into the water.


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