21st August 2022 - Session 49 - Wrap up at Kastan's Tower - Eoin

As the battle comes to a close, Jesop from the Emerald Enclave appears at the entrance with a student in shackles. Kin begins discussing Kastan and the jars of mucus. He draws Jesop an incredibly detailed stick figure of a woman in a purple dress. Jesop looks lost but does remember a secret organisation long disbanded called the order of the black network but that can't possibly have anything to do with this.

Kin then ties Sharpy with 75ft of rope and sinks it to the bottom of the red water trying to find the bottom. Sharpy gets stuck 75ft down. It didn't feel like the bottom though, just caught along the side. Dunbarr summons Sharpy back and the rope is given back to Dipple. Dipple begins to feel sick at just the touch of the red liquid on the rope. Dipple scoops up some of the red liquid in a jar.

Graupel begins to ritual cast of speak with animals to talk with a rat that Dipple had previously forced to drink the magical clear water. The party leaves Graupel forever as they head up to Kastan's office.

Dunbarr takes a jar of mucus, Kin takes one of Kastan's hairs and Bearnabus finds a magical crystal ball. Bearnabus uses Kastan's hair to attempt to scry upon him however Kastan (rolling a natural 20) fights back against the scrying and exploding Bearnabus's new crystal ball. Kin finds an old journal of Kastan's which contains wizardy spells and gives it to Dipple. Dunbarr, knowing the craftiness of Kastan, suspects a secret door and knocks all the books off the shelf. There is no secret door. The party tries to make sense of the pile of books but it's a mess.

Down below Graupel comes out of her ritual and begins discussions with the rat. The rat however doesn't seem to be able to speak or chooses not to. Graupel wonders if the red water will cure the rat and places the rat on the surface. The rat doesn't attempt to swim and as the rat slowly sinks to the bottomless depths of the red water, Graupel wonders if this was the right thing to do. Thank god she was alone.


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