12th March 2023 - Session 59 - Heckafun saving Heckaton - Eoin

The party heads to the feeder ship at the dock to get some info. The crew bring the party to the captain, Tazlan. Dipple stays behind to chat with a ship hand. Graupel begins by intimidating the captain stating matter of factly that we will kill every living thing on the Morkoth. The captain looks worried and says the Morkoth is probably near the Whalebone isles based on their direction and travelling speed.

Dipple also tries intimidation on the deckhand, casting frost on the ground and threatening to kill him. The deckhand says all sorts of weird stuff are on the ship and even under it but he has no idea what they are. The party leaves the feeder ship and climbs back aboard the kelpies kiss and heads out.

On our travels, we meet Merfolk. They seem friendly enough and invite us to an underwater rave. We give it a rain check after we explain what rain is.

4 days pass until we arrive at the Morkoth. We keep our distance and Bearnabus jumps into the water and turns into a giant octopus and sees Merrow hiding under the Morkoth. Kin uses a telescope to look at the ship and see who might be aboard. He then drinks the potion of clairvoyance. He sends the invisible eye out over the Morkoth and sees that the ship has a vast area in the middle to chain up Heckaton. There are plenty of people aboard and ballistas along the edge.

The party decides to sail alongside the Morkoth and climb aboard. As the kelpies kiss nears the ship, alarms are raised and crew mates begin heading to the deck. Dipple casts fireballs and Kin begins picking people off. Bearnabus heads below the ship to fight the Merrow. The battle has commenced.


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