19th February 2023 - Session 59 - The Note-takers Revenge - Eoin

The party is boating it up big time on the Grand Dame. It turns out that it was a powerful dragon that is casting power word kill on those the dragon controls. Kin uses the hat of disguise to find out that the wizard in the Kraken cult is none other than Kastan.

Graupel is communing with an octopus to get more information. She lifts the incredibly heavy water tank using the handles, brings the octopus to the edge of the ship and agrees to free it in exchange for info. The octopus tells her of blublublublubblub, a 30 tentacled creature in control of the cult. Graupel releases the octopus and stores a labelled jar of tank goo for future scrying.

After arriving back at port at 3am the party heads to Neverwinter. Kin spills all of the beans to Emerald Enclave explaining we think King Heckaton is on a squid-like ship northwest of the trackless sea. Bearnabus and Dunbarr spill the beans to the Harpers on how to properly transfer the soul of an axe from one axe to another.

Dipple heads to the Klauth cultists to spill even more beans. He uses his mage hand to dictate a letter to Klauth involving many a ps. Halfway through the letter he searches his notes to find the name of the dragon he rescued from the cloud giant castle. He finds the name Felgolos and also the name of a blue dragon, Imyrith. IMYRITH!!!! The advisor to Saoirse is a blue dragon. Pps I'm not sure if Dipple actually tells Klauth about Imyrith.

The party heads to Kastan's tower to find the Voindod in case we need to kill a dragon. Bearnabus finds another scrying orb. Dunbarr finds another precious jar of mucus. Dipple finds the broken fragments of the Voindod thinking maybe these parts were just the outer casing of whatever was inside.

The party heads to the port and climbs aboard the Harper vessel, the kelpies kiss, and head towards the trackless sea.


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