
Showing posts from November, 2021

14th November 2021 - Session 29 - Moog - Sally

(No Graupel this week) The session opens with the group standing on the road between Everlund and Calling Horns, having just left the forest. Pritstick is back but the mucus is gone. The group talks about things they just learned - the orcs are leaving because giants are fighting for power, Turlang (the treant) would be back soon, but one core truth eludes the group: was it a jug, mug, or jar of mucus?  Kin spots a dark shape overhead flying towards the group, it's a dragon! Everyone hides in the trees nearby, but Dipple, being fluent in dragon and giving zero fooks, calls the dragon down for a chat in a heretofore unseen heroic act of persuasion and diplomacy.  [Context: The Hill Giants didn’t join in the fight against the dragons so no one likes them, including the dragons.] The dragon is young and coppery coloured, he is 20m long being on the smaller side of huge, and believes Dipple’s intentions of friendship, bonding over their mutual disdain for giants. Dipple asks the dragon

28th October 2021 - Session 28 - What is happening on the Sword Coast? - Ciara

 The gang decide to stay in the Shadowtop Cathedral to wait for Turlang, the area leader for the Emerald Enclave, to return.  Greenwhistle says he doesn't know when he will be back and says it could be anytime.  As Pritstick is still missing, they decide to stay around a while.  As night falls, they worry that he won't return so they put out some rations.  Late into the night, Kin spots Pritstick return back to the group.  As morning arrives, Turlang is still unaccounted for.  Without any other leads, the gang starts to talk to Greenwhistle who is still pining in the clearing.  He tells them that there is trouble with the giants and it's all over the sword coast.  The gang try and find out everything they can from Greenwhistle.  They learn there are 6 types of giants: cloud, fire, frost, stone, hill, storm.  They were once ruled over by a process called the ordning which determines the order of power in their society.  When the giant god saw them bicker and get lazy instead

10th October 2021 - Session 27 - Defeating Amrath - Matthew

The gang notices a chest in the room and after a few checks determine that it is probably safe and not booby-trapped with magic. However, the chest is firmly locked. Before proceeding with the chest the gang decides to chase after Amrath. Listening closely to the door he had locked behind him we can hear the movement of chains with what sounds like humanoids moving about. Kin lockpicks the door open and the gang makes its way in. As we enter the room we can see Amrath unchaining some orcs. Four of them so far have been freed. Graupel not hesitating at all goes straight on the attack taking out one and taking a slice at another. One orc goes to attack Dipple but he is able to cast a shield to defend against the hit. Throughout all this argy-bargy Dunbarr decides this is now the best time to talk to Amrath about why he is helping the Wights. For Amrath a steady paycheck is more important than the lives of others. Dipple decides to finish the fight by throwing sand in the air and this cau

3rd October 2021 - Session 26 - Arriving in Noanar's Hold - Brian

Dipple absolutely smashes the opening roll and nobody knows what that means but they are all sure it has affected the world around them in a profound way.  The innkeeper, perplexed by all this too, implores our heroes for help with the orcs and by a vote of 3:2 the heroes decide it's not worth their time.  They move on from Calling Horns. Along the road, the team meets a travelling caravan man who offers to sell some stuff. He says that the town of Everlund has a frost giant called Harshnag helping defend it (He was a famous member of Force Grey, a notoriously destructive adventuring company that defended Waterdeep). He also tells the party that Nonars hold is in shite and the road there isn't much better. At night time it's even worse again. The team heads down the road anyway to find Nonar's hold at the edge of a big forest At the Whitehart inn, the team leaves the horses with the stableboy who takes a shine to Prittstick and they agree to hang out together for the ni

19th September 2021 - Session 25 - The Trip Through Calling Horns - Lisa

The session starts with the gang all reaching level 6 in Yartar. Dipple suggests posting a local job advert, context reading: Wanted assistant butler, 100 gold pieces a week, Contact Rossolio's butler. The sole intention of this job posting is to irritate Rossolio's currently indentured butler.  The party decides to leave Yartar and prepare by doing an inventory check. Dunbarr buys two healing potions from Bearnabus.  Bearnabus tries unsuccessfully to sell his chips from the now closed, Grand Dame Casino. Bearnabus decides to send some correspondence requesting information about a piece of metal that was sent to Waterdeep.  The gang start some unsuccessful internal bartering. The gang get their horses and cart from Lady Rossolio and ride out for Nonar’s Hold.  While on the road on that first night, during camp, Bearnabus and Dipple encounter 12 elk while on watch. Dipple pulls an animal out of his mystery bag which happens to also be an elk.  Dipple tries to approach the elk bu